
Laravel auth extended

Primary LanguagePHP


https://travis-ci.org/laravolt/auth https://coveralls.io/github/laravolt/auth SensioLabsInsight

Laravel authentication with some additional features:

  • Activation
  • Enable/disable registration
  • Captcha
  • Custom email template
  • Functionally tested


  • Run composer require laravolt/auth
  • For Laravel 5.4 or below, add Laravolt\Auth\ServiceProvider::class as service providers
  • Optionally, you can run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravolt\Auth\ServiceProvider" --tag="migrations" to publish migrations files for further editing


return [
    // Base layout to extend by every view
    'layout'       => 'ui::layouts.auth',

    // Enable captcha (Google reCaptcha) on login form
    'captcha'      => false,

    // Column name to be checked for authentication (login)
    'identifier'   => 'email',

    // Configuration related to login process
    'login' => [
        'implementation' => \Laravolt\Auth\DefaultLogin::class,

    // Configuration related to registration process
    'registration' => [

        // Enable or disable registration form
        'enable'         => true,

        // Default status for newly registered user
        'status'         => 'ACTIVE',

        // During the process, data from registration form will be passed to this class.
        // You may create your own implementation by creating UserRegistrar class.
        'implementation' => \Laravolt\Auth\DefaultUserRegistrar::class,

    // Configuration related to registration process
    'activation'   => [
        // If enabled, newly registered user are not allowed to login until they click
        // activation link that sent to their email.
        'enable'        => false,

        // Status for newly registered user, before activation
        'status_before' => 'PENDING',

        // Status for newly registered user, after successfully activate their account
        'status_after'  => 'ACTIVE',

    // Routes configuration
    'router'       => [
        'middleware' => ['web'],
        'prefix'     => 'auth',

    // Redirect configuration
    'redirect'     => [
        // Where to redirect after successfully login
        'after_login'          => '/',

        // Where to redirect after successfully register
        'after_register'       => '/',

        // Where to redirect after successfully reset password
        'after_reset_password' => '/',

    // Whether to auto load migrations or not.
    // If set to false, then you must publish the migration files first before running the migrate command
    'migrations' => false,


If you enable captcha (by setting 'captcha' => true in config file), please add following entries to .env:


You can obtain them from www.google.com/recaptcha/admin.

Custom Login Form

Modify Form (View File)

Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravolt\Auth\ServiceProvider". You can modify the view located in resources/views/vendor/auth/login.blade.php.

Modify Logic

Create new class to handle user login that implements Laravolt\Auth\Contracts\Login contract. You must implement two method related to registration:

  1. rules(Request $request) to get validation rules.
  2. credentials(Request $request) to check valid credentials. optionally:
  3. authenticated(Request $request, $user) to handle after login, it should be returned \Illuminate\Http\Response or null
  4. failed(Request $request) to handle custom failed response

Custom Registration Form

Sometimes you need to modify registration form, e.g. add more fields, change logic, or add some validation. There are several way you can accomplish those.

Modify Form (View File)

Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravolt\Auth\ServiceProvider". You can modify the view located in resources/views/vendor/auth/register.blade.php.

Modify Logic

Create new class to handle user registration that implements Laravolt\Auth\Contracts\UserRegistrar contract. You must implement two method related to registration:

  1. validate($data) to handle validation logic.
  2. register($data) to handle user creation logic. optionally:
  3. registered(Request $request, $user) to handle after registration is completed, it should be returned \Illuminate\Http\Response or null
namespace App\Registration;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator;
use Laravolt\Auth\Contracts\UserRegistrar;

class CustomUserRegistrar implements UserRegistrar
     * Validate data.
     * @param array $data
    public function validate(array $data)
        // Modify default behaviour, or completely change it
        return Validator::make(
                'name'     => 'required|max:255',
                'email'    => 'required|email|max:255|unique:users',
                'password' => 'required|min:6',

     * Create model.
     * @param $
    public function register(array $data)
        // create Authenticatable model.
        $user = User::create($data);

        // return Authenticatable model.
        return $user;

Modify Activation Logic

add Laravolt\Auth\Contracts\ShouldActivate implementation to your registration.implementation class by add these function to your registrar class.

  1. notify(Model $user, $token)
  2. activate($token)
class CustomUserRegistrar implements UserRegistrar, ShouldActivate

     * Notify if user to activate the user with the token provided.
     * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|Authenticatable $user
     * @param string $token
     * @return void
    public function notify(Model $user, $token)

     * Activation method by the token provided.
     * @param string $token
     * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
    public function activate($token)
        $token = \DB::table('users_activation')->whereToken($token)->first();

        if (! $token) {

        \User::where('id', $token->user_id)->update(['status' => config('laravolt.auth.activation.status_after')]);
        \DB::table('users_activation')->where('user_id', $token->user_id)->delete();

        return redirect()->route('auth::login')->withSuccess(trans('auth::auth.activation_success'));

After that, you must update auth config (located in config/laravolt/auth.php, if not, just run php artisan vendor:publish).

    'registration' => [
        // During the process, data from registration form will be passed to this class.
        // You may create your own implementation by creating UserRegistrar class.
        'implementation' => \App\Registration\CustomUserRegistrar::class,



Environment Variables
