
A Google Hangouts Chat Backend for Errbot

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Google Hangouts Chat - Errbot Backend

This is a backend for Google Hangouts Chat (https://chat.google.com) for Errbot(https://errbot.io).

It allows you to use errbot to create bots, but as always, it's a work in progress.


git clone https://github.com/sinkingpoint/GHC-Errbot

and then

BACKEND = 'Google-Hangouts-Chat'
BOT_EXTRA_BACKEND_DIR = '/path/to/where/you/cloned/the/repo/'

to your config.py


  1. Create a Google Pub/Sub topic in a GCE project

  2. Create a Subscriber on that topic and grant your bot account Subscriber permissions

  3. Generate a creds.json for your bot

  4. Create an application with errbot init, and then create a BOT_IDENTITY block in your config.py with the following information:

    'GOOGLE_CREDS_FILE': '/path/to/bot/creds.json',
    'GOOGLE_CLOUD_ENGINE_PROJECT': '<your project name>',
    'GOOGLE_CLOUD_ENGINE_PUBSUB_TOPIC': '<your pub/sub topic>',
    'GOOGLE_CLOUD_ENGINE_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION': '<your pub/sub subscription name>',
  1. Set BOT_PREFIX to the name of the bot, including the mention(@)


The code in markdownconverter.py is from https://github.com/dr-BEat/errbot-backend-hangoutschat. It is MIT licensed.


Licensed under the BSD 3 License.