
Hubot watches an RSS feed, announces when there are any new items

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Hubot watches an RSS feed, announces when there are any new items


Install the script using npm:

npm install --save hubot-rss-alerts

Enable it by adding to your external-scripts.json file.



There are two required settings:

  • HUBOT_ALERTS_RSS_FEED - should contain the URL of the feed you want Hubot to monitor
  • HUBOT_ALERTS_RSS_ANNOUNCE_ROOM - should contain the room name where Hubot will announce new feed items

There are some other optional settings you may want to change:

  • HUBOT_ALERTS_RSS_INTERVAL - how often (in seconds) to check the RSS feed - default: 300 (5 minutes)
  • HUBOT_ALERTS_RSS_PREPEND - text to prepend to alert messages - default: "RSS Alert"
  • HUBOT_ALERTS_RSS_BROKEN_TZ_ADJUSTMENT - if a feed's timezone is broken set this to adjust it - default: 0
  • HUBOT_ALERTS_RSS_SKIP_FIRST - skip any items when first checking the feed - default: true (set to false for debugging)

Notes, Plans, etc.

Currently only handles one RSS feed -- I might work on fixing that next.