TeamCity Server Image Dockerfile

This project contains the Dockerfile and all necessary scripts to build the Docker image and run a TeamCity server inside the container.

You can pull the ready-to-use image from the Docker Hub repository

docker pull jetbrains/teamcity-server

If you need to build your own image, you need to perform the following:

  1. Pull our base image and re-tag it

     docker pull jetbrains/teamcity-base
     docker tag jetbrains/teamcity-base teamcity-base

    You can use your own base image with the operation system of your choice and JAVA installed. TeamCity relies on the JRE_HOME environment variable. Just tag your own image with the teamcity-base tag.

  2. Extract TeamCity.tar.gz of any version you'd like to use into the dist/teamcity folder. In the same directory where the Dockerfile is placed, run

      mkdir dist
      tar zxf TeamCity-<version>.tar.gz -C dist/
      mv dist/TeamCity dist/teamcity
  3. Run the docker build command:

     docker build -t teamcity-server

If you want to extend this image with your own setup scripts, you can place them in /services and the script will run them before starting TeamCity server. You can add your scripts with a COPY instruction in the Dockerfile, or better yet, in a new image based on this one:

FROM jetbrains/teamcity-server
COPY /services/

See our detailed instructions on how to use the image in the Docker Hub repository .