Rust Embedded programming study for AVR
- bitvec
- bitvec - Rust Package Registry
- bitvec - Rust
- bitvecto-rs/bitvec: A crate for managing memory bit by bit
Add syntax for allocating static data to program memory · Issue #84 · avr-rust/rust-legacy-fork
AVR is Harvard architecture · Issue #53 · avr-rust/rust-legacy-fork
search "LPM" about discusvsion
Johannes Wågen @jwagen Aug 13 2020 04:54
I have not seen any of the avr library crate implement functionality for that, but I might have missed something. It should be possible to place a string in flash by doing something like:
#[link_section=".progmem"] pub static my_var2: [u8; 8] = *b"deadbeef";
As far as reading I am not quite sure. On some devices I think you should be able to just use read_volatile, but with devices with more memory I think a little bit of assembly might be possible. Take this with a grain of salt as I have not tried it myself.
Johannes Wågen @jwagen Aug 13 2020 05:24
For the atmega328 I think this should work. I have not tested it but it does compile. let result;
let addr = my_var2.as_ptr(); unsafe{ llvm_asm!( "lpm $0, Z\n\t" : "=r"(result) : "=z"(addr) : "Z" : volatile ); }
Dylan McKay @dylanmckay Sep 26 2017 09:21
Dylan McKay @dylanmckay Sep 26 2017 09:21 @neu-rah LLVM is much nicer than GCC in this regard it will never be necessary to have to think about address spaces when loading/storing in any case, because the LLVM language annotates variables with address spaces and generates the correct instruction transparently for example (assume we have an attribute to mark a static as in program memory, which we currently do not)
static NAME_PROGMEM: &'static str = "hello world"; // program memory static NAME_RAM: &'static str = "foo bar"; // RAM fn main() { let length_progmem = NAME_PROGMEM.len(); let length_ram = NAME_RAM.len(); ... }
this program will work fine - if Rust marks a variable as in program memory, LLVM will automatically generate a lpm instruction to load from program memory, as opposed to the ld[d] instruction that is usually used for RAM because of this, the Rust code will be indifferent to address space, and we will never need any manky hacks like (PGM_P)pgm_read_word(&(string_table[i])), which GCC uses [1] [1]
LLVM ERROR: Not supported instr: <MCInst 312 <MCOperand Reg:1> <MCOperand Imm:13> <MCOperand Reg:41>>
- Jacobtread @jacobtread Oct 18 15:32
Hello everyone I am looking to make some custom firmware for my usb rubber ducky from the original firmware source I have gathered that the chip is a Atmel AT32UC3B and its avr32. I've tried to build the example avr target project thing (build --target avr-unknown-gnu-atmega328 -Z build-std=core --all --release) but it always fails with the following error Compiling compiler_builtins v0.1.49 Compiling avr-std-stub v1.0.3 LLVM ERROR: Not supported instr: <MCInst 312 > error: could not compile compiler_builtins Process finished with exit code 101 Can someone help me get this setup properly or fix this error rahix [m] Oct 18 15:46 you need an older rust compiler, use nightly-2021-01-07
jatsekku [m] Nov 07 05:12 Hi guys! it's not stricte rusty but today i wanted to play with arduino on my arch (5.10.77-3-lts) and I can't connect to bootloader using ravedude/arduino IDE It's based on CH340 and I was getting error avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00 some weeks ago everything was fine but it's not working anymore, I tried to load 'fixed' module: but it didn't help. Do you have any ideas?
- SIGSEGV when compiling on latest nightly · Issue #25 · avr-rust/blink
- LTO causes undefined references to core::panicking::panic · Issue #79 · rust-lang/compiler-builtins
- Aug 23 2017 14:38
Dylan McKay @dylanmckay Aug 23 2017 14:38 I think that we'd have to rely on avr-binutils being installed - Rust does not currently use the LLVM linker (it's under the LLVM project, but it's a completely separate library) The function issue is the main one I'm worried about. All of the others have only occurred in libcore, and we commented those parts out I don't think that'd be a problem, I'm sure the ARM Rust target also relies on the ARM binutils linker the compiler-builtins crate would also solve our problems, including the shift operator missing symbol thing of course, it wouldn't be very hard to enable AVR for compiler-rt if we did want to use that library though (or even compiler-rt), we'd have to roll our own versions of the AVR-GCC routines with custom calling conventions and merge it there
- equivalent C code for assembly instructions BST, BLD | AVR Freaks
- Copy bit from register to register | AVR Freaks
- AVR GCC writing a bit from one byte into another -
- Rust local doc
- Rust local doc - core lib
Rust Embedded programming study for AVR
avr-rust/avr-config: Retrieve the target CPU frequency at runtime on Rust AVR projects
avr-rust/awesome-avr-rust: A list of useful AVR libraries and cool projects, PRs welcome!
Rahix Rahix's Blog
- Rahix/avr-hal
embedded-hal abstractions for AVR microcontrollers
- Rahix/avr-hal-template: cargo-generate template for avr-hal projects
- Rahix/avr-device: Register access crate for AVR microcontrollers
- Rahix/atdf2svd: Converter from Atmel's atdf format to CMSIS SVD
- Write your own Arduino millis() in Rust
- Rahix -> ravedude
- avr-hal/ravedude Rahix/avr-hal
ravedude is a tool I created to seamlessly run Rust code on AVR microcontrollers with nothing more than the usual cargo run. This is very much inspired by the great cargo-embed tool!
- Rahix/avr-hal
rust - Getting sequence of bytes (u8) from a char - Stack Overflow
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avr water lamp 8, base on, simple portb gpio + delay
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Rust avr flashing utility (Reserved)
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base on avr-hal
kunerd/avr-blink-svd: Proof of concept: generate code for attiny2313 with the help of svd2rust
【Rust日报】2020-08-27 在Arduino Uno上面跑 Rust 程序 - Rust语言中文社区
Cupnfish 发表于 2020-08-27 17:48 在Arduino Uno上面跑 Rust 程序
很久之前,为了在 Arduino上跑 Rust,还必须安装专门经过改造支持 AVR 的 Rust 编译器 :rust-avr 。 一个月之前,rust-avr 已经被合并到了 Rust master 分支,这意味着你在 Nightly 下就可以玩 Arduino了。
并且包含了一本新书 The AVR-Rust Guidebook :
rust-avr 项目官网:
【Rust 日报】2021-08-29 Tangram:训练、部署和监控机器学习模型
长琴 发表于 2021-08-29 20:17 Tags:rust,日报 Embedded Rust 第一步:选择一块板子 内容整理自 robyoung (Rob Young) 的文章:First steps with Embedded Rust: Selecting a board 有这么多令人眼花缭乱的微控制器和项目,对于嵌入式经验很少的人来说应该从哪里开始? 我们在开发板中想要什么? 良好的架构支持 良好的芯片支持 活跃的社区 内置调试器 我们需要什么架构? 拥有最完整库、最详尽指南和最大社区的架构是 ARM Cortex-M。 ARM Cortex-M 是面向微控制器应用的低功耗、低成本处理器。 查看 上的下载量虽说不是一个完美的指标,但可以让我们了解规模上的差异。在过去的 90 天内,cortex-m 的下载量超过 250k。 RISC-V、AVR 或 Xtensa 最多有 3k 次下载,cortex-a 有大约 18k 次下载。ARM Cortex-M 独树一帜。 AVR:AVR 是用于嵌入式系统的 8 位微控制器系列。在 Rust 生态系统中,它们并没有得到很好的支持。直到最近,还需要使用 rustc 的一个分支来构建 AVR。 现在有几个不同的选择,awesome-avr-rust 是一个很好的起点。
【Rust日报】 2020-08-20 Chrome 的 Rust 与 C++ 的互操作性
Rust on Arduino Uno 这是作者使用 Rust 在 Arduino 上实践的系列博文的第一篇,如何在 Arduino Uno 上点亮小灯💡。在撰写本文时,大约一个月前,avr-rust 分支被合并了(。 这意味着现在可以通过仅运行cargo + nightly 构建,为目标(avr-unknown-unknown)提供一个 .cargo/config.toml 来为 avr 微控制器板编译 Rust 程序。 更多请看原文:
【Rust日报】2020-07-24 Rust 编译器(nightly版)支持 AVR 了
Rust 编译器(nightly版)支持 AVR 了 来自Reddit的热评: I Have a few Arduinos lying around... maybe I can bring them back to life with Rust AVR 项目官网的简介: The standard Rust nightly compiler can be used to compile crates for AVR - no compiling from source required.
【Rust日报】2020-06-14 - 论文《 过去十年C++的演变》
AVR被合并进Rust中 #rust #avr Read More
「嵌入式Rust讨论」用什么硬件可以更容易地开始用Rust进行嵌入式开发 #embeded 有人在Reddit发帖询问此问题,他用的是Arduino,但是使用Cpp和Rust都非常痛苦。即便使用针对Arduino的Rust版本avr也不太稳定,所以他想问问什么硬件更适合入门者? 回复中有人提到,使用基于ARM Cortex-M的硬件,比如STM-32 uC更好,Rust对该硬件体系支持的更好。可以配合discovery book一书学习。 评论中也有其他建议可以看看。
「嵌入式Rust」Rust对Arduino支持进展调查 #arduino 因为Arduino使用的是AVR微控制器,但Rust目前还未支持AVR。但Rust嵌入式开发组已经有计划支持AVR。 感兴趣的朋友可以关注此issues: AVR support 目前也有一个avr-project GitHub项目组独立fork了Rust,提供了对AVR的支持。在官方Rust未支持AVR之前,可以使用这个,看上去还非常活跃。 avr-rust