Jenkins with connection to the docker host to run tests and send the build to registry
git clone
change the default password in the Dockerfile
docker-compose up -d
you can access the jenkins on port 8080 (or change the mapping)
the registry's purpose is to build the images that passes the pipeline's tests
Add SonarScanner on Jenkins with custom
Add the following to the dockerfile
RUN cd /opt && wget && unzip && rm -rf && mv /opt/sonar-scanner- /opt/sonar-scanner
COPY ./ opt/sonar-scanner-
the custom sonnar scanner file must contain the containers host name or server IP (vm):
Add SonarQube plugin to jenkins (already added added to the plugins.txt) Tutorial
Now that we have SonarQube setup, let’s install and set up the SonarQube Scanner to run against the codebase. We gonna use the npm module called sonarqube-scanner, so lets install it with below npm command.
npm install sonarqube-scanner --save-dev Create a sonar-project.js file in the root of your project with the following code:
const sonarqubeScanner = require('sonarqube-scanner');
serverUrl: 'http://sonarqube:9000',
options : {
'sonar.sources': '.',
'sonar.inclusions' : './**' // Entry point of your code
}, () => {});