

Primary LanguagePHP


composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan scribe:generate

Run the server

php artisan serve

API Documentation

Generated using scribe

URL: /docs

API Versioning

Codes and Routes are using separate folders

  • app/Http/Controllers/API/V1
  • app/Http/Controllers/API/V2
  • routes/api_v1.php
  • routes/api_v2.php
Changing the latest version

Edit config/app.php and modify

'api_latest'  => '1',
Route Prefix

You can modify the route api prefix in RouteServiceProvide.php


  1. Implemented custom handler to send Exception as JSON Response
  2. Validation Errors are caught and send out as an JSON with a list of errors
  3. Exception StackTrace are shown if app.debug is enabled

See app/Exception/Handler.php

Data Validation Segragation

There are two types of data validation

  1. Resource Data Validation Rules
  2. Request Parameter Validation
Data Validation Rules

All Controller methods are using FormRequest to validate data before it hits the controller. If it throws an error the API will automatically transform the Exception to a JSON response.

Query Parameter Validation

Some methods has controls that uses queryParams and needs to be validated.

Since Laravel's FormRequest class does cannot validate QueryParams, I've added an a code that adds the queryParams to $request->all() in order for the validation rules to work

see app\Http\Requests\AbstractRequest.php

Filtering, and Sorting Separation

To separate adding of filters, and sorting to Resources. I've added a class for Searching. It automatically applies all eloquent filters available to the resource

see app\Http\Search\TaskSearch.php

in the controller it will look like this

// apply filters available in the request object
$query = (new TaskSearch)->apply($request);
$data = new TaskCollection($query->paginate(2)->withQueryString());

Resource Ownership Policy

  1. All Task are checked if the current logged in user is the owner

See app/Policies/TaskPolicy.php

Media File

see spatie/laravel-medialibrary


see spatie/laravel-tags


  1. INVALID TAGS are not defined


  1. Improve media and tags CRUD