Project : sip2rtsp - sip/ims protocol to rtsp protocol gateway written in C language Email : License : GPL Home Page : About ------------ The sip2rtsp is a high-performance software gateway from sip/ims protocol(RFC 3261) to rtsp protocol(RFC 2326). The CAMERA can access to SIP/IMS network by this GW. The software also supports audio and video relaying. How it works ------------ * SIP UAC(linphone,Bria...or SIP/IMS SERVER)--> SIP2RTSP--> CAMERA(support RTSP,such as HIKVISION) * SIP UAC--> SIP2RTSP--> RTSP PROXY(such as live555ProxyServer)--> CAMERA * SIP UAC--> SIP2RTSP--> RTSP MediaServer(such as live555MediaServer) [SIP client1]--> [SIP client2]--> [(network1) SIP2RTSP (network2)] -->[RTSP/RTP stream] ... [SIP clientN]--> Features ------------ * SIP/IMS UAS * RTSP client * RTP Proxy(audio and video) * symmetricRTP * network bridge mode * simultaneous Multi sip connections Need ------------ * libosip2>=4.1.0, download from * libeXosip2>=4.1.0,download fom Building ------------ $> ./configure $> make $> make install Run ------------ $>sip2rtsp -f ./doc/sip2rtsp.cfg You can add osip2/exosip2 lib path into LD_LIBRARY_PATH, such as: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib Examples ------------ config: doc/*.cfg log: doc/*.log capture: doc/*.pcap