DTITR: End-to-End Drug-Target Binding Affinity Prediction with Transformers

Primary LanguagePython

DTITR: End-to-End Drut-Target Binding Affinity Prediction with Transformer

We propose an end-to-end Transformer-based architecture (DTITR) for predicting the logarithmic-transformed quantitative dissociation constant (pKd) of DTI pairs, where self-attention layers are exploited to learn the short and long-term biological and chemical context dependencies between the sequential and structural units of the protein sequences and compound SMILES strings, respectively, and cross-attention layers to exchange information and learn the pharmacological context associated with the interaction space. The architecture makes use of two parallel Transformer-Encoders to compute a contextual embedding of the protein sequences and SMILES strings, and a Cross-Attention Transformer-Encoder block to model the interaction, where the resulting aggregated representation hidden states are concatenated and used as input for a Fully-Connected Feed-Forward Network.

DTITR Architecture

Davis Kinase Binding Affinity


  • davis_original_dataset: original dataset
  • davis_dataset_processed: dataset processed : prot sequences + rdkit SMILES strings + pkd values


  • test_cluster: independent test set indices
  • train_cluster_X: train indices


  • protein_sw_score: protein Smith-Waterman similarity scores
  • protein_sw_score_norm: protein Smith-Waterman similarity normalized scores
  • smiles_ecfp6_tanimoto_sim: SMILES Morgan radius 3 similarity scores


  • davis_prot_dictionary: AA char-integer dictionary
  • davis_smiles_dictionary: SMILES char-integer dictionary
  • protein_codes_uniprot/subword_units_map_uniprot: Protein Subwords Dictionary
  • drug_codes_chembl/subword_units_map_chembl: SMILES Subwords Dictionary


  • Python 3.9.6
  • Tensorflow 2.6.0
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Scikit-learn
  • Itertools
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Glob
  • Json
  • periodictable
  • subword_nmt


(The architecture supports the use of the Linear Multi-Head Attention arXiv:2006.04768)


python dtitr_model.py --option Train --num_epochs 500 --batch_dim 32 --prot_transformer_depth 3 --smiles_transformer_depth 3 --cross_block_depth 1 --prot_transformer_heads 4 --smiles_transformer_heads 4 --cross_block_heads 4 --prot_parameter_sharing '' --prot_dim_k 0 --prot_ff_dim 512 --smiles_ff_dim 512 --d_model 128 --dropout_rate 0.1 --dense_atv_fun gelu --out_mlp_depth 3 --out_mlp_hdim 512 512 512 --optimizer_fn radam 1e-04 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-05


python dtitr_model.py --option Validation --num_epochs 500 --batch_dim 32 --prot_transformer_depth 2 3 4 --smiles_transformer_depth 2 3 4 --cross_block_depth 1 2 3 4 --prot_transformer_heads 4 --smiles_transformer_heads 4 --cross_block_heads 4 --prot_parameter_sharing '' --prot_dim_k 0 --prot_ff_dim 512 --smiles_ff_dim 512 --d_model 128 --dropout_rate 0.1 --dense_atv_fun gelu --out_mlp_depth 3 --out_mlp_hdim 512 512 512 --optimizer_fn radam 1e-04 0.9 0.999 1e-08 1e-05


python dtitr_model.py --option Evaluation