MAYN! MAYN! MAYN! An auction app where users have to send 'MINE!' to place a bid

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An auction web app where you have to say "MINE!" to place a bid

What is this?

Well, it's a web app that has buy and sell feature and can do auction stuff

Why did you create this mess?

Its an entry to the JAMstack Hackathon 2018, the online hackathon, not the inperson cuz me got no kaching. also i want to learn how to use JAMstack and serverless APIs, they're berry awsum.

Wha didya use, m8?

  • Gatsby
  • react-bootstrap
  • bootstrap
  • netlify for the hosting
  • Hasura and heroku for the real time db with graphql That's supposed to be the plan, but errors & bugs and me being slow at learning stuff, made this thing a web app with signup and login. THis is sooo sed, ALEXA. PLAY DETPATITO

Who dis?

The team that created this are:

Special thanks to:

Why is there a lot of memes here?

It makes me say 'very nice'