
DBeam extracts SQL tables using JDBC and Apache Beam

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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A connector tool to extract data from SQL databases and import into GCS using Apache Beam.

This tool is runnable locally, or on any other backend supported by Apache Beam, e.g. Cloud Dataflow.

DEVELOPMENT STATUS: Alpha. Usable in production already.


DBeam is tool based that reads all the data from single SQL database table, converts the data into Avro and stores it into appointed location, usually in GCS. It runs as a single threaded Apache Beam pipeline.

DBeam requires the database credentials, the database table name to read, and the output location to store the extracted data into. DBeam first makes a single select into the target table with limit one to infer the table schema. After the schema is created the job will be launched which simply streams the table contents via JDBC into target location as Avro.

dbeam Java/Scala package features

  • Support both PostgreSQL and MySQL JDBC connectors
  • Supports CloudSQL managed databases
  • Currently output only in Avro format
  • Read password from a mounted password file (--passwordFile)
  • Can filter only records of the current day with the --partitionColumn parameter
  • Check and fail on too old partition dates. Snapshot dumps are not filtered by a given date/partition, when running for a too old partition, the job fails to avoid new data in old partitions. (can be disabled with --skipPartitionCheck)
  • It has dependency on Apache Beam SDK.

dbeam arguments

  • --connectionUrl: the JDBC connection url to perform the dump
  • --table: the database table to query and perform the dump
  • --output: the path to store the output
  • --username: the database user name
  • --password: the database password
  • --passwordFile: a path to a local file containing the database password
  • --limit: limit the output number of rows, indefinite by default
  • --avroSchemaNamespace: the namespace of the generated avro schema, "dbeam_generated" by default
  • --partitionColumn: the name of a date/timestamp column to filter data based on current partition
  • --partition: the date of the current partition, parsed using ISODateTimeFormat.localDateOptionalTimeParser
  • --partitionPeriod: the period in which dbeam runs, used to filter based on current partition and also to check if executions are being run for a too old partition
  • --skipPartitionCheck: when partition column is not specified, by default fail when the partition parameter is not too old; use this avoid this behavior
  • --minPartitionPeriod: the minimum partition required for the job not to fail (when partition column is not specified), by default now() - 2*partitionPeriod


Build with SBT package to get a jar that you can run with java -cp. Notice that this won't create a fat jar, which means that you need to include dependencies on the class path.

sbt package

You can also build the project with SBT pack, which will create a dbeam-pack/target/pack directory with all the dependencies, and also a shell script to run DBeam.

sbt pack

Now you can run the script directly from created dbeam-pack directory:


TODO: We will be improving the packaging and releasing process shortly.

Usage examples

Using java from the command line:

java -cp CLASS_PATH dbeam-core_2.12.jar com.spotify.dbeam.JdbcAvroJob \
  --output=gs://my-testing-bucket-name/ \
  --username=my_database_username \
  --password=secret \
  --connectionUrl=jdbc:postgresql://some.database.uri.example.org:5432/my_database \

For CloudSQL:

java -cp CLASS_PATH dbeam-core_2.12.jar com.spotify.dbeam.JdbcAvroJob \
  --output=gs://my-testing-bucket-name/ \
  --username=my_database_username \
  --password=secret \
  --connectionUrl=jdbc:postgresql://google/database?socketFactory=com.google.cloud.sql.postgres.SocketFactory&socketFactoryArg=project:region:cloudsql-instance \

To validate a data extraction one can run:

java -cp CLASS_PATH dbeam-core_2.12.jar com.spotify.dbeam.JdbcAvroJob \
  --output=gs://my-testing-bucket-name/ \
  --username=my_database_username \
  --password=secret \
  --connectionUrl=jdbc:postgresql://some.database.uri.example.org:5432/my_database \
  --table=my_table \
  --limit=10 \


DBeam is built on top of Apache Beam SDK and supports both Scala 2.12 and 2.11.

To include DBeam library in a SBT project add the following in build.sbt:

  libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
   "com.spotify" %% "dbeam-core" % dbeamVersion


Make sure you have sbt installed. For editor, IntelliJ IDEA with scala plugin is recommended.

To test and verify during development, run:

sbt clean scalastyle test:scalastyle coverage test coverageReport coverageAggregate

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Copyright 2016-2017 Spotify AB.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0