
A bicep driven deployment of the Java Spring PetClinic sample App onto the Azure Kubernetes Service

Primary LanguageSmarty

AKS-Construction - Spring PetClinic

Sample Objective

To deploy a sample of the Java Spring Petclinic micro-services application, Azure Kubernetes Service and supporting infrastructure all using Bicep from a single az deployment command.

Deploying web applications as part of a Bicep deployment is not a production pattern, but is great for producing samples quickly. #iac-code-golf

Notable components


Rather than use publicly hosted docker images, we will import them into an Azure Container Registry where they can be scanned by Microsoft Defender before being used in Kubernetes.


AKS Construction is being leveraged to deploy a secure cluster in a simple way.

PetClinic - helm chart

A simple helm chart for the PetClinic application has been created, read more about it here.

The bicep

Bicep File Description
main.bicep Orchestrates creation of all resources
aks-construction/main.bicep Creates AKS and associated infrastructure components
importImages.bicep Imports container images into ACR from DockerHub

Two public registry bicep modules are leveraged in this sample.

Leveraging bicep modules from the public registry is a great way to save the complexity and repetition in your own IaC library.

module kubeNamespace 'br/public:deployment-scripts/aks-run-command:1.0.1' = {

module acrImport 'br/public:deployment-scripts/import-acr:2.0.1' = {

Lets deploy it!

The Azure CLI is the only prerequisite. If you deploy from the Azure CloudShell then this makes the process even simpler.

az group create -n aks-petclinic -l eastus
az deployment group create -g aks-petclinic -f main.bicep

The Result

Deployed Resources


Imported Container Images


The Kubernetes Application

az aks get-credentials -n aks-petclinic -g aks-petclinic
kubectl get pod -n spring-petclinic
kubectl get svc -n spring-petclinic

NAME                                 READY   STATUS                       RESTARTS   AGE
api-gateway-5f74c7b69-flxrz          1/1     Running                      0          12m
customers-db-mysql-0                 1/1     Running                      0          50m
customers-service-77449fc644-kfnlr   1/1     Running                      0          12m
vets-db-mysql-0                      1/1     Running                      0          50m
vets-service-56d58bbdcb-vpr5z        1/1     Running                      0          12m
visits-db-mysql-0                    1/1     Running                      0          50m
visits-service-8474b89fdc-g9lvh      1/1     Running                      0          12m
wavefront-proxy-648f66bbc5-72gsx     0/1     CreateContainerConfigError   0          12m

NAME                          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)             AGE
api-gateway                   LoadBalancer   80:31524/TCP        12m
customers-db-mysql            ClusterIP    <none>           3306/TCP            50m
customers-db-mysql-headless   ClusterIP      None             <none>           3306/TCP            50m
customers-service             ClusterIP    <none>           8080/TCP            12m
vets-db-mysql                 ClusterIP   <none>           3306/TCP            50m
vets-db-mysql-headless        ClusterIP      None             <none>           3306/TCP            50m
vets-service                  ClusterIP    <none>           8080/TCP            12m
visits-db-mysql               ClusterIP   <none>           3306/TCP            50m
visits-db-mysql-headless      ClusterIP      None             <none>           3306/TCP            50m
visits-service                ClusterIP   <none>           8080/TCP            12m
wavefront-proxy               ClusterIP   <none>           2878/TCP,9411/TCP   12m

web app

Deployment Troubleshooting/Notes

Issue Error Impact Summary
Wavefront Error: secret "wavefront" not found This is an optional step to make use of VMWare Tanzu Observability. Ideally we need to enhance helm chart to make wavefront install conditional. Additionally we can look to enable Azure Application Insights as a further option.

Repo Notes

This repo uses git submodules. The following commands were run to clone the respective repositories at a point in time. This was done rather than forking as

  • This project will not be contributing back to the Petclinic sample
  • Submodules captures the repo at a point in time, which is good for our sample. We can fetch latest and test as this sample is periodically reviewed.
git submodule add https://github.com/Azure/AKS-Construction.git aks-construction
git submodule add https://github.com/spring-petclinic/spring-petclinic-cloud.git spring-petclinic-cloud