
Generate tagged PDFs from your Eleventy site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This plugin makes it easy to generate tagged PDFs from webpages in your Eleventy site, using Prince.

What this does

This plugin runs a function after Eleventy is finished rendering your website.

It spins up a temporary web server, so that Prince can load the URLs as if they were on a real website. This means absolute URLs beginning with / (eg. /css/style.css/) will work.

Then, Prince will convert each of the supplied paths to render (from the pathsToRender array in the supplied config) and write the PDFs to the output directory.


This is not on the npm registry just yet, install with the GitHub repo:

npm i https://github.com/larryhudson/eleventy-plugin-prince-pdf

Add it to your .eleventy.js with a list of paths you want to render to PDF:

const PrincePdfPlugin = require('eleventy-plugin-prince-pdf')

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {

  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(PrincePdfPlugin, {
    pathsToRender: [
      { htmlPath: "/hello/", outputPath: "/hello.pdf" },
      { htmlPath: "/another-pdf-page/", outputPath: "/another-pdf.pdf" },
    serverPort: 8090 // optional - set port of prince web server

For each page in pathsToRender:

  • htmlPath should be a absolute path (starting with a /), pointing to the webpage that you want to convert to PDF. For example, /hello/ will try to convert [OUTPUT_DIR]/hello/index.html.
  • outputPath should be a absolute path (starting with a /), relative to your output directory. This is where the PDF will be written to.

The serverPort option can be used to set the port of the web server that Prince uses when it is converting HTML to PDF. The server port defaults to 8090.


At the moment this plugin does not offer any configuration.

It sets Prince's configuration to use the PDF/UA-1 profile, so that it exports a tagged PDF that works with assistive technology.