Images to make your theme choice easier.
Mostly up to date as of 26 July 2015, you can view examples of all the themes currently available for the very lovely oh-my-zsh. I had no part in the creation of any of these themes, I'm just presenting them here for reference if you want to see what's available to you.
Images are from iTerm2 on OSX using the Solarized dark colour scheme. Newer images are from an old PowerBook running 10.5.8 so may not look their best. (I'm not running oh-my-zsh on my main machine any more.) I could not get decent screenshots of the linuxonly
, macovsky-ruby
, mira
, peepcode
or pure
themes. You can have a look at them on the zsh wiki I imagine.
Despite my best efforts I can't get the patched fonts for vim-powerline to work correctly with agnoster, so it is not showing the correct symbols here. Apologies.