This library helps make simple heartbeat sunction to your application
Simply copy a downloaded master into your Arduino IDE library folder, and Rename it to SimpleHeartBeat form SimpleHeartBeat-master
Load your program, and put "#include <SimpleHeartBeat.h>", into your first lines in your program without qoutes.
e.g. Put "HeartBeat heartbeat(2);" into your code before setup for name your instane as heartbeat, and use pin 2 for your led.
start using lib even in setup() or loop(). e.g.: heartbeat.ledtoggle();
HeartBeat(int pin); // constructor, define pin
void begin(); // doesn't need it really, considering to remove.
void run(); // 1x on and 1x off LED, using delay statement with a static time.
void ledtoggle(); // toggle state of LED
void ledoff(); // turn off LED
void ledon(); // turn on LED
void blink(int delay); // blink whith given time
void blinkasync(int delayon, int delayoff); // blink with on and off time
bool getstate(); // returns a state of the led.
See example folder for a demo.