
Autopublisher for novnc-core

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Autopublisher for novnc-core


You'll want an anacron that runs as your user (with Github creds, npm creds). The setup for this (as adapted from grinux.wordpress.com:

$ cd ~
$ mkdir .anacron
$ cd .anacron/
$ mkdir cron.daily cron.weekly cron.monthly spool etc
$ vim etc/anacrontab

Inside the $HOME/.anacron/etc/anacrontab:

# See anacron(8) and anacrontab(5) for details.

# These replace cron's entries
1 5 daily-cron nice run-parts --report $HOME/.anacron/cron.daily
7 10 weekly-cron nice run-parts --report $HOME/.anacron/cron.weekly
@monthly 15 monthly-cron nice run-parts --report $HOME/.anacron/cron.monthly

Run crontab -e from a terminal and add the following to the bottom to run your local anacron hourly:

0 *   * * * anacron -t $HOME/.anacron/etc/anacrontab -S $HOME/.anacron/spool &> $HOME/.anacron/anacron.log

Finally, to install autopublish as a cronjob:

$ install_cronjob.sh

By default, this will install a weekly cronjob. If you want the job to run daily, use the --daily flag. If you want it to run monthly, use --monthly.