
Highly available, fault tolerant Mesos framework

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status



High performance, fault tolerant Mesos framework based on the v1 streaming API.

Current feature set:

  • Launch, destroy, update, and gather state of containers
  • Utilizes the universal container runtime instead of Docker
  • Configure and use any N number of CNI networks
  • High availability of the framework when launching more than one instance
  • Filter/constraint support to launch on a set of defined nodes
  • UNIQUE or MUX (colocate) deployment strategies
  • Custom executor support
  • Docker volume support (e.g. rexray, pxd...)

API Documentation

Base endpoint:



This is not valid JSON to launch a task but is an example enumeration of all options available.

  "name": "Example-app",                    # Application Name.
  "resources": {
    "cpu": 1.5,                             # CPU shares
    "mem": 128.25,                          # Memory
    "disk": {"size": 1024.00}               # Disk
  "filters": [                              # Used to filter mesos attributes
        "type": "TEXT",                     # TEXT, SET, SCALAR, RANGES, STRATEGY
        "value": [                          # Example here is filtering on a MAC
  "instances": 1,                           # Number of instances to run.
  "strategy": {"type": "unique"},           # Deployment strategy can be set to UNIQUE or MUX.
  "command": {
    "cmd": "/bin/echo hello world",         # Command to run.
    "environment": {
    "uris": [                               # URI is used to grab the custom executor binary.
        "uri": "http://some-mesos-dns.mesos:9001/executor",
        "extract": false,                   # Should we extract this file when mesos pulls it?
        "execute": true                     # Should we set the executable bit?
  "container": {                            # Specifiy a container to launch.
    "image": "debian:latest",               # Which container image to use?
    "volume": [                             # Specifiy any N volumes.
        "container_path": "example/log",    # Specify a static volume path.
        "host_path": "/var/log",
        "mode": "ro"
      {                                     # Docker volume specification
        "source": {
            "type": "DOCKER",               # What type of volume is this?
            "docker_volume": { 
              "driver": "rexray",           # Docker volume driver to use
              "name": "test_volume",        # Docker volume name.
              "driveropts": [""]            # Any driver options you might want to pass.
    "network": [{                           # Network specification.
      "ipaddress": [{                       # Static IPv4
        "group": ["prod"],                  # Specify a group to belong to.
        "labels": [{"some_label": "awesome"}],
        "ip": "",
        "protocol": "ipv4"
        "group": ["QA"],                    # This interface is also in group "prod".
        "labels": [{"some_label": "rad"}],   # And Add labels.
        "ip": "",
        "protocol": "ipv4"
        "ip": "2600::1",                    # Static IPv6 address.
        "protocol": "ipv6"
        "name": "FE-CNI"                    # We can specifiy CNI networks by name.
        "name": "BE-CNI"                    # We can have more than one CNI network.
        "labels": [
          {"testIP": ""},         # Supports passing labels to CNI plugins.
          {"testValue": "someString"}
  "healthcheck": {
    "endpoint": "localhost:8080"            # What endpoint to hit for healthchecks
  "labels": {
    "purpose": "Testing"                    # Labels are supported at the task level as well.

Example of a valid task that launches onto the CNI network "internal-network" and sleeps for 500 seconds. It uses 0.1 CPU's, 32MB of RAM and 1024MB of disk. It will run 5 instances and will launch on unique agents.

  "name": "test-app",
  "resources": {
    "cpu": 0.1,
    "mem": 32.0,
    "disk": {"size": 1024.00}
  "instances": 5,
  "command": {
    "cmd": "/bin/sleep 500"
  "container": {
    "network": [
     {"name": "internal-network"}
  "strategy": {"type": "unique"}


Deploy an application.

Method: POST

# Example
curl -X POST hydrogen.mesos:8080/v1/api/app -d@my-app.json


Kill an application.

Method: DELETE

# Example
curl -X DELETE hydrogen.mesos:8080/v1/api/app -d'{"name": "test-app"}'


Update an application.

Method: PUT

# Example
curl -X PUT hydrogen.mesos:8080/v1/api/app -d@my-updated-app.json


Get the state of an application.

Method: GET

# Example
curl -X GET hydrogen.mesos:8080/v1/api/app?name=test-app

Get All Tasks

Get all tasks known to the scheduler

Method: GET

# Example
curl -X GET hydrogen.mesos:8080/v1/api/app/all



Go 1.7 and up.

  • go get -d github.com/verizonlabs/hydrogen/...
  • cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/verizonlabs/hydrogen && make build


Tests can be run with make test. Similarly, you can run benchmarks with make bench.