
First project

Primary LanguageC++


g++ main.cpp -o main -std++11 -lpthread -lrt


  • wordcount and sort for processes
  • make result pdf
  • test
  • fix file parser


  • Threads
    • Each thread is assigned around (amount_words / num_map_threads) of work
    • Each thread creates its own hashmap where it stores <word, frequency> pairs
    • once all threads are finished, each reducer thread is assigned around (num_map_threads / num_reduce_threads) amount of hashmaps to merge
    • Once each reduce thread finishes merging its given maps, the reduce thread will grab a mutex lock and write to the final merged map safley.
    • once all reduce threads are finished, since map's in C++ are already sorted we can easily print the key value pairs to the output file
    • for the sorted application we use the exact same implementation but when printing, if a frequency for a pair is greater than 1 we just print that number (frequency) amount of times