
Push button, get TLS

Primary LanguageShell

Let's Nginx

Docker Repository on Quay

Put browser-valid TLS termination in front of any Dockerized HTTP service with one command.

docker run --detach \
  --net=host \
  --name lets-nginx \
  --env EMAIL=me@email.com \
  --env DOMAIN=mydomain.horse \

Issues certificates from letsencrypt, installs them in nginx, and schedules a cron job to reissue them monthly.

⚡ To run unattended, this container accepts the letsencrypt terms of service on your behalf. Make sure that the subscriber agreement is acceptable to you before using this container. ⚡


Before you begin, you'll need:

  1. A place to run Docker containers with a public IP.
  2. A domain name with an A record pointing to your cluster.


Have your node.js server/app/api running on port 3000 on the same machine. Options are:

  • -e EMAIL= your email address, used to register with letsencrypt.
  • -e DOMAIN= the domain name.