Our.Umbraco.GMaps - Google Maps for Umbraco 8+
Basic Google Maps with autocomplete property editor for Umbraco 8+ including property value converter.
Package | NuGet |
Our.Umbraco.GMaps | |
Our.Umbraco.GMaps.Core |
- Multi-targeting both Umbraco 8 and Umbraco 9
- Search for address using autocomplete and place marker
- Enter coordinates in place marker
- Click on exact location on map to place marker
- Drag marker around
- Set default location & zoomlevel on Data Type settings
- Zoomlevel is saved on the property to use the same zoomlevel on your website
- Centerpoint is saved on the property to use the same centerpoint on your website different than the marker.
- MapType is saved on the property to use the same maptype on your website
- Use your SnazzyMaps API key to set mapstyles
Use NuGet to install Our.Umbraco.GMaps:
Install-Package Our.Umbraco.GMaps
- Enable the following Google Maps API on https://console.cloud.google.com/home/dashboard
- Maps Javascript API
- Geocoding API
- Place API
You can configure the API Key along with other settings directly in AppSettings as per below:
Umbraco 8
Add the following keys to your web.config AppSettings node:
<!--Google Maps Configuration-->
<add key="GoogleMaps:ApiKey" value="" /> <!-- Google Maps API Key -->
<add key="GoogleMaps:DefaultLocation" value="" /> <!-- Coordinate pair in the format lat,lng -->
<add key="GoogleMaps:DefaultZoom" value="17" /> <!-- Default Zoom Level for the Maps Property Editor. -->
Umbraco 9
Add the following to your appsettings.json file or equivalent settings provider (Azure KeyVault, Environment, etc.):
"GoogleMaps": {
"ApiKey": "",
"DefaultLocation": "",
"ZoomLevel": 17
These settings can be overridden by configuring the relevant properties of the Data Type prevalues.
Build NuGet package
PM> nuget pack Our.Umbraco.GMaps.Core\Our.Umbraco.GMaps.Core.csproj -Build
Breaking Changes
- Coordinates in the strongly typed models are now represented using the
object with individualLatitude
Demo site Umbraco Backoffice Login Details
Username: admin@admin.com
Password: Password123
Special thanks
Special thanks to ronaldbarendse for contributing to this project #h5yr!
Special thanks to prjseal for the Visual Studio project setup and included demo-site #h5yr!