
Automated installation of tools and dotfiles I use on some/all machines I have access to.

MIT LicenseMIT

My tools and configs

Automated installation of tools and dotfiles I use on some/all machines I have access to.

This is work-in-progress

Basic ideas:

  • use Ansible to distribute and install tools and dotfiles.
    • this gives me the ability to use tailored configuration templates and painlessly install missing tools, all idempotently.
    • it also makes it really easy to update config "everywhere".
  • use git to make everything available everywhere, and to be able to edit everything everywhere.
    • code and templates are stored safely and versioned in a publicly hosted repository.
    • wherever Ansible distributes and installs stuff, the repository is available and ready for working on it.
  • have a few helper scripts to make common tasks (such as "render me this dotfile template locally on this machine right now") simple and fast.

Installed and configured things so far

  • zsh (oh-my-zsh with my customizations)
  • tmux

Next up

  • vim with vundle and plugins
  • ssh config
  • git with config
  • other tools: httpie, ipython, pip, virtualenv, ansible, ...


Recursively clone this repository into ~/lt_tools on your 'main machine' (or the one you'll use to distribute your configs from for the first time).

~$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/lars-tiede/lt_tools.git

On machines that you want to run ansible playbooks on, you need Ansible. Install it in a local Python 2.7 virtualenv like so:

$ virtualenv -p python2.7 py-env
$ ./py-env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

If you're not me, you will want to change the inventory or make your own.

Prerequisites on target machines

Passwordless ssh as lt_user (see inventory) and root, from the 'control machine' (the one you run playbooks on).

On Macs: brew.

(Getting rid of as many prerequisites as possible is on the TODO list)


For now, just run playbooks directly. From within lt_tools:

ansible-playbook -l ANSIBLE_HOST_PATTERN playbooks/PLAYBOOK

Substitute ANSIBLE_HOST_PATTERN with a pattern matching one or many hosts in inventory/default. Don't forget this.

Substitute PLAYBOOK with the playbook file you want to run.

Tricks and often used things

Run playbook on localhost (hostname must be in inventory):

ansible-playbook -l `hostname` playbooks/PLAYBOOK

Update zshrc: edit roles/zsh/templates/zshrc.j2, then

ansible-playbook -l PATTERN playbooks/zsh.yml
