
Boilerplate for React with Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Boilerplate for React with Redux

A boilerplate for React with Redux including Webpack, ESLint and Jest


  • Fixed versioning for dependencies in package.json to avoid errors when packages are updated automatically
  • Separate Webpack development and production build with merged generic configuration using webpack-merge
  • Hot reloading with webpack-dev-server
  • IE10+ browser suppport
  • Strict coding style analysing using eslint
  • Test driven development using jest


Clone the repository and change the directory

$ git clone git clone git@git.ilumy.com:lars/react-redux-base.git && cd react-redux-base

Install dependencies from the package.json file with either yarn install or npm install

$ yarn install

Run the React application with yarn start or npm start

$ yarn start