
A docker image with all the tools installed that kramdown-rfc2629 might need.

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This repository provides a docker image with all the tools installed that kramdown-rfc2629 might need. Many other relevant tools are also installed in the image, see below. This makes it possible to generate the XML and other desired formats for Internet-Drafts without installing any local tools, except of course docker.

NEW! You can now convert your I-D sources via a web user interface running inside the container, in a drag-and-drop fashion. No need to execte shell commands! Details below.

This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.


There are two ways for executing commands in this Docker image, via the i-d-toolchain bash script, and directly from your shell. The former is recommended.

Via the i-d-toolchain bash script

First, download and install the i-d-toolchain bash script into a convenient location, such as $HOME/bin:

curl --output $HOME/bin/i-d-toolchain \
chmod a+x $HOME/bin/i-d-toolchain

You can then run commands in the i-d-toolchain Docker container on files inside the current directory like this:

i-d-toolchain kdrfc -h -3 draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md

In the example above, kdrfc would execute inside the Docker container on the draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md in the local directory, producing text and HTML versions of the draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md Markdown document. kdrfc can be replaced by any other command installed in side the image, as desired.

You can run i-d-toolchain -u to update both the i-d-toolchain script and the underlying Docker image. Please do so occasionally, to keep using the latest toolchain.

Directly from your shell

The i-d-toolchain bash script is basically a simple wrapper that passes the given command into a rather convoluted docker run incantation. You can also execute this directly from the shell, but it is cumbersome.

In order to replicate the i-d-toolchain kdrfc -h -3 draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md example from above, you would need to execute this docker run command:

docker run \
       --pull always \
       --volume $(pwd):/id:delegated \
       --env XML2RFC_REFCACHEDIR=/id/.cache/xml2rfc \
       --env KRAMDOWN_REFCACHEDIR=/id/.cache/xml2rfc \
       --interactive \
       --tty \
       --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \
       ghcr.io/larseggert/i-d-toolchain:latest \
       kdrfc -h -3 draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md

Make sure the test markdown document exist in your local directory.

Here is a breakdown of what the components of this rather long command are:

  • docker run executes a given command in a given docker container

  • --volume $(pwd):/id:delegated mounts the current directory into the docker container at the /id mount point. The name of the /id mount point must not be changed, since it is tied to where various caches are being kept. The :delegated can be omitted, but provides a minor speed-up.

  • --pull always makes sure that the latest published version of the docker image provided in this repository is used. This can be omitted, e.g., when running without Internet connectivity, but then docker pull should be occasionally run to update the image.

  • --env passes various environment variables to the tools of the Docker container, that makes them create and use caches in the local directory.

  • --interactive keeps stdin attached for the session

  • --tty allocates a pseudo-TTY for the session

  • --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN is needed when the draft markdown contains artwork that relies on mermaid for processing. It can be omitted in other cases, but there is no harm in always passing it.

  • ghcr.io/larseggert/i-d-toolchain:latest is the name of the docker image to be run.

  • Finally, you can specify a command to run inside the container for some file(s) in the current working directory. In this example, we execute

    kdrfc -h -3 draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md

    which runs kdrfc from kramdown-rfc2629 in order to convert the markdown document draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md in the current working directory to text and HTML. This can be replaced by any other command installed in side the image, as desired.

Also see the docker run --help information, and check the end of the i-d-toolchain bash script for any changes to this incantation that might not have been reflected in this README.

Via a web UI

To use a web frontend to convert I-D sources to HTML, text or PDF versions, do

docker run \
       --pull always \
       --publish 8000:8000 \
       --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN \

and then open http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.

Installed components

These are the tools that are currently installed in this image:

Pull requests adding additional tools to the toolchain are appreciated!

Common errors

  • In case you see the "no basic auth credentials" error

    docker: Error response from daemon: Head https://ghcr.io/v2/larseggert/i-d-toolchain  /manifests/latest: no basic auth credentials

    you need to docker login, using your GitHub user name and a personal access token as the password. The token needs to have at least the read:packages scope, and can be generated here.

    docker login -u $GITHUB_USERNAME -p $GITHUB_TOKEN ghcr.io
  • If you are able to run docker, but see something similar to

    `read': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md (Errno::ENOENT)
    from /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/kramdown-rfc2629-1.3.37/bin/kramdown-rfc2629:320:in `<top (required)>'
    from /usr/bin/kramdown-rfc2629:23:in `load'
    from /usr/bin/kramdown-rfc2629:23:in `<main>'
    *** kramdown-rfc failed, status 1

    the given file (here, draft-i-d-toolchain-test-00.md) is not present in the current working directory.