
Make Wii U Virtual Console Icons

Primary LanguageShell


VCiicon will be a way to generate a Virtual Console Icon (along with an XML and banner) for an injected game.

This makes them look as good as Nintendo does them, and even uses the same backgrounds and such.

For now you need to install ImageMagick in order to use this. Also, please note that this is a work in progress so not everything's done yet.


  1. Find a good title screen image of your game. Please make sure it's at least 400x300 (or 400x366 for GBA) for it to look good on the banner.
  2. Name it as screenshot.png (or other picture extension).
  3. Run the script (sh vciicon.sh ) and it will do the rest. It will save it in the Meta Folder. Please remember if you're making another icon to move the folder after it's done before making another one or else it will be deleted.


  • Add options to use OriginalHamster's templates.
  • Make a banner with this.
  • Make an XML with this.
  • Make this work with Windows.

Download Here:
