Dive and underwater image and video color correction
Sample images
Sample video
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
For images
$ python correct.py image /my/raw.png /my/corrected.png
For videos
$ python correct.py video /my/raw.mp4 /my/corrected.mp4
You can either download the desktop softwares or build one yourself.
Building the GUI
Uncomment the libraries needed for GUI in requirements.txt
and re-run pip install
MacOS (via Py2App)
$ py2applet --make-setup dcc.py
$ python setup.py py2app
Windows (via PyInstaller)
$ python -m PyInstaller -n "Dive Color Corrector" -F -w -i .\logo\logo.ico dcc.py
Linux (via PyInstaller)
$ pyinstaller -n "Dive Color Corrector" -F -w -i ./logo/logo.png dcc.py
Final builds will be available in 'dist' folder
If this repo was useful, please considering sharing the word on Twitter.
This repo was inspired by the algorithm at https://github.com/nikolajbech/underwater-image-color-correction.