This repository contains the FreeBSD build scripts, patches and checksum for Electron (GitHub).
This port is still in an early stage, so more eyes and hands are always welcome! Please don't hesitate to submit new Issues or Pull Requests.
The port has been developed on FreeBSD 11.1 x64. We are looking into adding support for FreeBSD 12-CURRENT.
For the development purpose of this port, I set up a build plan for this port on my personal Jenkins server. Each push to the master
branch of this repo will be built and tested here.
If a build was successful, the dist
folder will be published to yzgyyang/freebsd-ports-electron for further testing.
libchromiumcontent, the shared library build of Chromium’s content module, is a direct dependency of Electron. Since FreeBSD is currently not officially supported by libcc, we manually build libcc as a prerequisite for the Electron port.
For build scripts, patches and releases used by Electron, please refer to yzgyyang/freebsd-libcc-release.
Heavily based on @prash-wghats work at prash-wghats/Electron-VSCode-Atom-For-FreeBSD.