This way up

Now with gulp! Yay!

  • Compiles, autoprefixes and minifies your Sass.
  • Uglifys (minifies) your JS
  • Minifies your HTML
  • Compresses your Images
  • Generates a BrowserSync URL for you to access on all devices for testing. Automagically refreshes and syncs all of them.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repo or download.
  2. Fire up terminal and cd into your folder. (drag and drop the folder if you're lazy/efficient)
  3. Run: npm install (This will build your packages)
  4. Then run: gulp(This will build your assets and generate your BrowserSync URL)
  5. Enjoy the robots.


Surge or copy the contents of the dist folder to wherever.

(Gulpfile based on the amazing gulp starter by Joe Richardson.)