
Fog computing emulation platform.

Primary LanguagePython


Fogbed is a framework and toolset integration for rapid prototyping of fog components in virtualized environments using a desktop or distributed approach. Its design meets the postulated requirements of low cost, flexible setup and compatibility with real world technologies. The components are based on Mininet network emulator with Docker container instances as fog virtual nodes.


Before installing Fogbed it is necessary to install some dependencies and Containernet, as shown in the steps below:

1. Install Containernet

sudo apt-get install ansible
git clone https://github.com/containernet/containernet.git
sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local containernet/ansible/install.yml

2. Install Fogbed

sudo pip install fogbed

Get Started

After having installed fogbed you can start an example topology, copy the example in examples/sensors/sensors.py and run with:

sudo python3 sensors.py

Then access the url http://localhost:3000 on your browser to visualize a React application consuming a REST API what monitor some devices which send health random data.



Project documentation is available at https://larsid.github.io/fogbed/


A. Coutinho, U. Damasceno, E. Mascarenhas, A. C. Santos, J. E. B. T. da Silva and F. Greve, "Rapid-Prototyping of Integrated Edge/Fog and DLT/Blockchain Systems with Fogbed," ICC 2023 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Rome, Italy, 2023, pp. 622-627, doi: 10.1109/ICC45041.2023.10279234.