
Adobe AEM Synchronization Tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AEM (Adobe CQ) Synchronization Tool.


The tool pushes code changes to AEM instance(s) upon a file change.

  • There is no vault dependency.
  • It can push to multiple instances at the same time (e.g. author and publish).
  • IDE/editor agnostic.
  • Works on Windows, Linux and Mac.


With npm do:

npm install aemsync -g


aemsync -t targets -w path_to_watch

-t: Comma separated list of target hosts; default is http://admin:admin@localhost:4502.
-w: Folder to watch; default is current.
-i: Update interval; default is 300ms.
-d: Enable debug mode.


aemsync -t http://admin:admin@localhost:4502,http://admin:admin@localhost:4503 -w ~/workspace/my_project


When run, it scans for jcr_root/* folders within the path_to_watch (dot-prefixed and target folders are omitted). This may take a while depending on the size. After the scan is done, file system changes inside those folders are detected and deployed to AEM instance(s) as a package.

Update interval is the time the syncer waits for file changes changes before the package is created. In case of multiple file changes (e.g. switching between code branches), creating a new package per file should be avoided and instead, all changes should be pushed in one go. Lowering the value decreases the delay for a single file change but can increase the delay for multiple file changes. If you are unsure, please leave the default value.

Known issues

Packages are installed using package manager service (/crx/packmgr/service.jsp), which takes some time to initialize after AEM startup. If the push happens before, the Sling Post Servlet will take over causing the /crx/packmgr/service.jsp/file node to be added to the repository.