
Things that might come in handy for making a turn-based game in Unreal Engine 4

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Warning. Dead code ahead. NavGrid is a active project that does navigation on a grid for turn based games.

Things (mostly base clases for blueprints) that might come in handy for making a turn-based game in Unreal Engine 4


  • Place the content under <YourProject>/Source
  • Include UE4_TurnBased in the call to OutExtraModuleNames.AddRange in <YourProject>.Target.cs
  • Include UE4_TurnBased in the call to OutExtraModuleNames.AddRange in <YourProject>Editor.Target.cs
  • Add the following to Config/DefaultEngine.ini:


  • Add the follwing entry to Modules in <YourProject>.uproject:
                        "Name": "UE4_TurnBased",
                        "Type": "Runtime",
                        "LoadingPhase": "Default"
  • Right click on <YourProject>.uproject and select Generate Visual Studio project files

Documentation for modules: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/Modules/Gameplay/index.html