By creating an example end-to-end eco-system, trigger and nurture curiosity towards IOT - the technology, appliances, impact, opportunities and risks.
Arduino, RaspberryPI, RPI Camera, Breadboard, Sensors (temperature, PIR)
The end project will be having a
- Arduino hosting a few sensors
- Raspberry PI reading sensor data from the Arduino as well as hosting a camera
- NodeJS application that read sensor data, detects movements, takes snapshots and upload information to the cloud
- Using Azure Storage and DocumentDB to receive data from the device
- Hello world from Arduino
- Hello world from Raspberry PI
- Raspberry PI + Arduino
- Adding a temperature sensor
- Adding a camera
- Adding Motion detection
- Pushing data to the cloud
- Keep on experimenting!ß
cd tutorial
npm install
grunt serve
ALternatively - open index.html
... are available in the ./labs folder and contains most of the source code ...
- NodeJs
- Azure Accounts with access to DocumentDB and Azure-Storage
- Github account (optional)
The presentation is powered by reveal.js