
FXRuby API is not accessible

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FXRuby API is not accessible since 10 october 2019
Something has gone wrong. Please, be so kind to check it.

Sorry for the issues with the API documentation. It is hosted on which lately seems to have some issues with fxruby. I'll file an issue report there.

For the time being, you can generate the docs locally:

git clone
cd fxruby
gem inst yard

Now open doc/index.html in your browser.

It is hosted on which lately seems to have some issues with fxruby

Unfortunately other projects also run into problems; my gems on don't quite
always have the documentation. Hopefully in the long run things become more stable - it
is not good when documentation is unavailable IMO. On github the README typically
instantly works; on not always. :(

Edit: Yes, the above was from 2019 but I have issues in general again in 2020. I reported
this now twice over the years to but they don't seem to be in charge of
the issues either. It's not a good situation for ruby if it struggles so much with something
as simple as documentation; the whole ecosystem suffers with that, since it should
not be that way.

To work around this annoying issue, I'll push the latest docs to github-pages as an alternative source: