
A Faktory Worker library for Crystal

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT


faktory.cr is a Faktory client for Crystal. It is heavily influenced by both the Ruby Faktory client and sidekiq.cr. Shout out to @mperham for these fantastic projects!

Heads up - this is still a work in progress. Basic functionality is working well:

  • Defining jobs and their arguments
  • Serializing and enqueuing jobs on the Faktory server
  • Fetching and executing jobs via workers
  • Powerful configuration options
  • Logging

but there are still some things missing:

  • TLS Support
  • Middleware/Plugin Infrastructure
  • Tests


First you'll want to make sure you've got Faktory itself. Then add the following to your application's shard.yml:

    github: calebuharrison/faktory.cr

and run:

shards install

One last thing - you'll need to set up a couple of environment variables:

export FAKTORY_URL="tcp://localhost:7419"

All set!

Quick Start

First we spin up a local Faktory server:


And then we open up a file in our project called do_thing.cr:

require "faktory_worker"

struct DoThing < Faktory::Job
  arg thing     : String
  arg should_do : Bool

  def perform
    if should_do
      puts thing

job_id = DoThing.perform_async(thing: "Thing1", should_do: true)

If we compile and run do_thing.cr, our job will be serialized and enqueued by Faktory. We can verify that the job has been enqueued by visiting the Faktory Web UI (localhost:7420 in your browser).

The job has been enqueued, but now it's time to perform it. We'll create a worker for this:

worker = Faktory::Worker.new

The worker will fetch jobs from the Faktory server and perform them until it is told to stop via the Web UI.

Now you can do all the things!


Job Structure

A job is a struct that inherits from Faktory::Job:

struct DoThing < Faktory::Job
  # argument declarations and configuration options go here

  def perform
    # logic goes here

Jobs are required to define a perform method that gets called when the job is fetched from the server. Arguments are defined using the arg macro and must be of a valid JSON type. These arguments are exposed inside the struct definition so you can use them in your perform logic. Additionally, the job's unique ID (jid), created_at, and enqueued_at are also exposed.

Performing a Job

You can enqueue a job to be performed by calling the perform_async class methd:

job_id = DoThing.perform_async(...)

Whatever arguments are defined in the job definition must be passed to perform_async. perform_async returns the enqueued job's unique ID, a String. The job is not actually performed (i.e. the perform method is not called) until it has been fetched from the Faktory server by a worker process.


The following configuration options are available for jobs:

  • queue, the default queue in which to enqueue jobs. queue is a String that defaults to "default".
  • priority, the default priority of enqueued jobs. priority is an Int32 between 1 and 9 that defaults to 5.
  • retry, the default number of retry attempts to make for enqueued jobs. retry is an Int32 that defaults to 25.
  • backtrace, the default number of lines of backtrace to preserve if the job fails. backtrace is an Int32 that defaults to 0.
  • reserve_for, the amount of time that Faktory will reserve a job for a worker that has fetched it. reserve_for defaults to 1800 seconds, and must not be less than 60 seconds.

There are 3 different configuration "layers": Global, Job Type, and Call Site

Global Configuration

Perfect for your application's config file:

  queue:       "custom",
  priority:    7,
  retry:       10,
  backtrace:   6,
  reserve_for: 60

Job Type Configuration

Job types can also have their own configurations that override the global config:

struct DoThing < Faktory::Job
  queue       "custom"
  priority    7
  retry       10
  backtrace   6
  reserve_for 60

  def perform
    # do your thing

Call Site Configuration

To take it one step further, you can also configure job instances by passing a block to perform_async:

DoThing.perform_async(...) do |options|

Call site configuration methods are chainable and can be called in any order. You can also configure when a job will be enqueued using either at or in:

# Both of these do the same thing.

DoThing.perform_async(...) do |options|

DoThing.perform_async(...) do |options|


By default, your workers will only fetch jobs from the "default" queue. To fetch from another queue, use call site configuration:

worker = Faktory::Worker.new

worker.run do |options|

You can, of course, fetch from multiple queues as well:

worker.run do |options|
  options.queues("default", "custom", "user-waiting")

Each time a worker fetches a job, it polls its queues in random order to prevent queue starvation. You can disable this behavior:

worker.run do |options|
  options.queues("default", "custom", "user-waiting").shuffle?(false)

You'll squeeze the most performance out of workers by running them concurrently via spawn. On my machine, running five workers concurrently, I see ~8,300 jobs/sec throughput with do-nothing jobs.

Other Stuff

You can flush Faktory's dataset:


You can also get some operational info from the server as a String:

puts Faktory.info


If you're a little off your rocker, you can use Faktory in production. You'll need to include the password in the Faktory URL:

export FAKTORY_URL="tcp://:opensesame@localhost:7419"

Please do not use "opensesame" as your password.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/calebuharrison/faktory.cr/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
