Add Google Maps, Places, and Geolocation to an Ionic App

You may think, do we really need yet another ionic maps tutorial? Yes we do. In this tutorial we are going to cover how to implement Google maps inside an ionic app, but in a way that goes much deeper than all the posts and tutorials you may find around the web on this topic.

In this tutorial we merged three of the most common cases around location based apps (maps, geolocation and places) into one functional and coherent/comprehensive example so you can master the concepts behind location based apps.

Google Maps and ionic mobile apps are a perfect match. By itself, the Google Maps API is an amazing piece of tech, but when you combine it with a device that’s meant to be mobile, it opens up an array of possibilities. There’s a ton of awesome apps out there that uses Google Maps to do all kinds of marvelous things.

Even when you’re making an app that doesn’t have maps as the core functionality, it can often be quite useful as a supplementary feature as well (by displaying the location of your business on a map, for example).

In this tutorial we will cover how to integrate the Google Maps JavaScript SDK into an Ionic application.