
Vogon - A simple personal finance tracker using Spring Boot and AngularJS

Primary LanguageJava

#Vogon personal finance tracker

This Java version is no longer under active development.

It works, it's stable and tested, and it will continue working for the forseeable future.

Java and especially Spring Boot don't work too well with cloud environments, especially a hobby-level service is used (e.g. free or inexpensive tier).

For example, Spring Boot takes up to a minute to start on Heroku after sleeping, and Hibernate creates so many join tables that my personal account takes almost 40K rows in a Postgres database. And as usual, memory usage even on light containers like Jetty is 400+ MB, which means that the application is unconfortably close to the 512MB limit on most service providers and sometimes crashes on OpenShift.

For this reason I decided to rewrite the server backend in Node.js and am extremely pleased with the progress so far. In just 10 days I rewrote almost all the Java code (and even added some much needed tests)!

The successor for Vogon is [Vogon-NJ] (https://github.com/zlogic/vogon-nj), which has the same basic user interface, but a Node.JS backend. It's under active development.

Project description

Simple web-based personal finance tracker using

  • AngularJS on client-side
  • Spring MVC on server-side for AngularJS request handling
  • JSP for page generation (single page with all data being retrieved with JSON calls)
  • JPA and Spring Repositories for entity management
  • H2 database for data storage, or a server-provided PostgreSQL (OpenShift/Heroku)

Named after the Vogons (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vogon) race who were known to be extremely boring accountants.


Check out the demo deployments:

Prepackaged releases are available on Github.

Requires Java 8 to build. Releases contain prepackaged WAR files for:

  • WildFly (confirmed to run on the free OpenShift Bronze account with WildFly Application Server 9 cartridge installed. Just follow the instructions to deploy the WAR file).
  • Tomcat 7 (confirmed to run on the free OpenShift Bronze account with Tomcat 7 (JBoss EWS 2.0) cartridge installed. Just follow the instructions to deploy the WAR file).
  • Heroku - just fork this repository and copy into a new Heroku app through Github! Alternatively, you can commit a checked out copy of this project's git repository into a new Heroku app.
  • Azure (confirmed to work in the free web app tier) - create a Tomcat or Jetty web app from the marketplace and deploy the Tomcat war.

Check out the readme for more details. Default username/password are Default/Default, make sure to change them to something more secure.

If all works well, the server should auto-redirect to HTTPS, however it's tricky and may not always work - some cloud environments require non-standard ports and/or unencrypted HTTP connections. Double-check that your deployment is redirecting to HTTPS by default!

2.0 and earlier versions also include a standalone version using Java FX for UI. This version is no longer maintained and may be completely removed in future releases. Requires Java 8 to run.

This project has a rich history of UI rewrites, including versions using

Check out the history if you're interested!