
This Wordpress / Gutenberg plugin allows you to animate parts of text by exchanging words.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Yours59 Animate Span Exchanges

This Wordpress / Gutenberg plugin allows you to animate parts of text by exchanging words.


This Wordpress / Gutenberg plugin allows you to animate parts of text by exchanging words.

Screenrecording of output in frontend

For each exchanging Word / Span you can set:

  • Color
  • The time its visible
  • Background-Color
  • Underline-Color
  • Set underline as line-through
  • Type of underline (solid, wavy, dashed)
  • If the whole animation should get repeated

To remove the effect, open the Popup and delete all additional words.

Screenshot of interface in gutenberg editor

screenshot of interface in gutenberg editor

Screenrecording of output in frontend

Screenrecording of output in frontend


I was looking for a solution to animate text-spans by replacing them with one or multiple other word(s). Therefore I implemented a RichTextToolbarButton with an URLPopover (both standard Gutenberg components). Inside the URLPopover a json-editor-form (https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor) is shown.

Also I wanted to find a more "lazy" way to have things like "repeatable objects" in gutenberg editor. To do this with the standard react/gutenberg way you probably have to write much more code than just the approx. 300 lines used at moment.

The main part consists of this simple json-schema which is compiled into a html-form by https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor.

	const schema = {
	    title: 'Word replacement Animations', // hidden via CSS
	    format: 'table', //categories, grid-strict, grid , table
	    disable_collapse: true,
	    properties: {
	        texts: {
	            type: 'array',
	            format: 'table',
	            disable_collapse: true,
	            // title: 'Add / Remove Word Replacements',
	            items: {
	                type: 'object',
	                format: 'table', // grid , table
	                title: 'Word',
	                disable_collapse: true,
	                properties: {
	                    name: {
	                        type: 'string',
	                        title: 'Word',
	                    stay_for: {
	                        title: 'x sec',
	                        type: 'number',
	                        default: 2,
	                        options: {
	                            inputAttributes: {
	                                placeholder:  "2s",
	                    color: {
	                        title: 'Color',
	                        type: 'string',
	                        format: 'color',
	                        default: '#FFFFFF',
	                        options: {
	                            infoText: 'Text Color', // not working in table (?)
	                            colorpicker: { 
	                                'alpha': true // not working 
	                    bg: {
	                        title: 'BG?',
	                        type: 'boolean',
	                        format: 'checkbox',
	                    bg_color: {
	                        title: 'BGC',
	                        type: 'string',
	                        format: 'color',
	                        default: '#FFFFFF',
	                    line: {
	                        title: 'Underl?',
	                        type: 'boolean',
	                        format: 'checkbox',
	                    line_color: {
	                        title: 'Underl.C',
	                        type: 'string',
	                        format: 'color',
	                        default: '#FFFFFF',
	                    line_through: {
	                        title: 'L-Through',
	                        type: 'boolean',
	                        format: 'checkbox',
	                    line_type: {
	                        title: 'L-Type',
	                        enum: [ "solid", "wavy", "dashed"], // shows empty option at begin
	                        type: "string",
	        repeat: {
	            title: 'Repeat Animation?',
	            type: 'boolean',
	            format: 'checkbox',
	            default: true,

Even if there is a react based implementation of jsonschema-form (https://github.com/rjsf-team/react-jsonschema-form), I choose to go with json-editor (https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor). I made some good experiences with it and also know that these json-schema to html-form softwares can be challenging (see the 'Issues' on the related repos on github) and also the comments above.

Known Issues

When the exchanging words are the same, they are shown all at once.

The interface is not very "gutenberg/wordpress-like". But its working and produces the desired output. And the code is kind of lean :-)

There are still some browser-issues with text-decoration:underline (see https://www.tempertemper.net/blog/styling-underlines-with-css)

Do not overuse this animation effect. The frontend-animations are simply done with setTimeout (and when repeated) setInterval. As we know these are not the most performant ways to animate things. But I think its ok for a couple of elements on the page.

When you want the selected text-element to be a link, you have to set the link first, then the animation. This sometimes also leads to some strange issues in editor and frontend. I guess this is due to the 'aggressive' link-dialog (gutenberg).

WP Plugin Info

Plugin is not yet in official wordpress.org/plugins repo

  • Author: larslo
  • Tags: gutenberg, wordpress, RichTextToolbarButtons, Animation, text-change animation
  • Requires at least: 5.9
  • Tested up to: 6.0.1
  • License: GPLv2 or later
  • License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
  • Requires PHP: 7.4
  • Stable tag: 0.9.0


  1. Clone / Download and move files to /wp-content/plugins/yours59_animate_span_exchange directory
  2. Activate the plugin via the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. You should see "Animate Word(s)" in RichTextToolbarButtons (see screenshot below (1))

screenshot of interface in gutenberg editor 2


  • better styling of json-schema form inside Gutenberg Popup
  • When the words added are the same, they are shown all at once.
  • Make this work better when used inside link elements.