
JS function to build CSV files on the fly basing on Array/literal object of data

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Forked from: https://github.com/react-csv/react-csv

Overview :

Generate a CSV file from given data.

This data can be an array of arrays, an array of literal objects, or strings.

Example :

import { downloadCSV } from "download-csv";

const csvData = [
  ["firstname", "lastname", "email"],
  ["Ahmed", "Tomi", "ah@smthing.co.com"],
  ["Raed", "Labes", "rl@smthing.co.com"],
  ["Yezzi", "Min l3b", "ymin@cocococo.com"]



npm install https://github.com/ayush-shta/download-csv.git --save;
yarn add https://github.com/ayush-shta/download-csv.git;


This package includes one function:

downloadCSV(data, headers, fileName);


The function accept the following parameters:

- data (required):

A required property that represents the CSV data. This data can be array of arrays, array of literal objects or string.

Example of Array of arrays

// Array of arrays. Each item is rendered as a CSV line
data = [
  ["firstname", "lastname", "email"],
  ["Ahmed", "Tomi", "ah@smthing.co.com"],
  ["Raed", "Labes", "rl@smthing.co.com"],
  ["Yezzi", "Min l3b", "ymin@cocococo.com"]

Example of array of literal objects

// Array of literal objects. 
// Each item is rendered as CSV line however the order of fields will be defined by the headers props. 
// If the headers props are not defined, the component will generate headers from each data item.
data = [
  { firstname: "Ahmed", lastname: "Tomi", email: "ah@smthing.co.com" },
  { firstname: "Raed", lastname: "Labes", email: "rl@smthing.co.com" },
  { firstname: "Yezzi", lastname: "Min l3b", email: "ymin@cocococo.com" }

Example of strings

// A string can be used if the data is already formatted correctly

data = `firstname,lastname
Yezzi,Min l3b

- headers (optional):

Specifying headers helps to define an order of the CSV fields. The csv content will be generated accordingly.

Notes :

  • The meaning of headers with data of type Array is to order fields AND prepend those headers at the top of the CSV content.
  • The meaning of headers with data of type String data is only prepending those headers as the first line of the CSV content.
Custom Header Labels

Custom header labels can be used when converting data of type Object to CSV by having the header array itself be an array of literal objects of the form:

{ label: /* Label to display at the top of the CSV */, key: /* Key to the data */ }

If the header array is an array of strings, the header labels will be the same as the keys used to index the data objects.


import { downloadCSV } from "download-csv";

headers = [
  { label: "First Name", key: "firstname" },
  { label: "Last Name", key: "lastname" },
  { label: "Email", key: "email" }

data = [
  { firstname: "Ahmed", lastname: "Tomi", email: "ah@smthing.co.com" },
  { firstname: "Raed", lastname: "Labes", email: "rl@smthing.co.com" },
  { firstname: "Yezzi", lastname: "Min l3b", email: "ymin@cocococo.com" }

downloadCSV(data, headers);
Nested JSON data

It is possible to reference nested strings in your data using dot notation

headers = [
  { label: 'First Name', key: 'details.firstName' },
  { label: 'Last Name', key: 'details.lastName' },
  { label: 'Job', key: 'job' },

data = [
  { details: { firstName: 'Ahmed', lastName: 'Tomi' }, job: 'manager'},
  { details: { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Jones' }, job: 'developer'},

Note: if at any point the nested keys passed do not exist then looks for key with dot notation in the object.

- fileName (optional):

String to specify the filename of the csv file to download.