
An office automation to simplify claim initiation for J. Dyke and Company

Primary LanguagePowerShell


An office automation to simplify claim initialization for J. Dyke and Company LLC

Install Instructions

  1. Delete the folder C:\JDykeCo-ClaimInit if it exists
  2. Click "Download ZIP" in the right column of this page
  3. Open the .zip archive and copy the JDykeCo-ClaimInit-master folder to the root of your C: drive, making C:\JDykeCo-ClaimInit-master. Overwrite any files that may aleady exist there.
  4. Open Windows Explorer and browse to the folder C:\JDykeCo-ClaimInit-master
  5. Right-click on the ClaimInit-Install.cmd file and select Run As Administrator (could take a while)
  6. Reboot your machine
  7. Double-click on the ClaimInitGUI.cmd file to run the application.

NOTE: Outlook 2013 MUST be started as an administrator in order to have Outlook open and run the ClaimInit tool.