
Chef cookbook for confluent.io (kafka, zookeeper, etc...)

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

confluent.io Cookbook

This cookbook is using the confluent rpm and deb repositories to install the confluent-platform v2 packages. It will create a user confluent and init scripts for kafka zookeeper, schema-registry and kafka-rest.


It comes with multiple recipes: confluent-cookbook::default, confluent-cookbook::zookeeper,confluent-cookbook::kafka confluent-cookbook::kafka-schema-registry and confluent-cookbook::kafka-rest.


Instead of maintaining configuration templates, chef configuration properties will be added as server.properties, zookeeper.properties , schema-registry.properties and kafka-rest.properties files.

Example Kafka:

default["confluent"]["kafka"]["server.properties"]["broker.id"] = "0"
default["confluent"]["kafka"]["server.properties"]["port"] = "9092"

will look like this in the /etc/kafka/server.properties


Example ZooKeeper:

default["confluent"]["kafka"]["zookeeper.properties"]["dataDir"] = "/tmp/zookeeper"
default["confluent"]["kafka"]["zookeeper.properties"]["clientPort"] = "2181"

will look like this in the /etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties


Other confluent-platform configurations

Right now Kafka, ZooKeeper, the Schema-Registry and Kafka-REST can be configured.


In order to be able to run vagrant you need to run berks init and you have to install vagrant-berkshelf via vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf. Afterwards run vagrant up.

Supported OS Distributions

Right now it has been tested with:

  • CentOS 7.x
  • Ubuntu 14.04 (where it seems to hang sometimes during installation)


You need to install your desired JRE yourself, see Vagrantfile as an example.


At some point this project might have a travis build job.