
EntityX - A fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

EntityX - A fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system

Entity-Component (EC) systems are a form of decomposition that completely decouples entity logic and data from the entity "objects" themselves. The Evolve your Hierarchy article provides a solid overview of EC systems and why you should use them.

EntityX is an EC system that uses C++11 features to provide type-safe component management, event delivery, etc. It was built during the creation of a 2D space shooter.


In EntityX data associated with an entity is called a Component. Systems encapsulate logic and can use as many component types as necessary. An EventManager allows systems to interact without being tightly coupled. Finally, a Manager object ties all of the systems together for convenience.

As an example, a physics system might need position and mass data, while a collision system might only need position - the data would be logically separated into two components, but usable by any system. The physics system might emit collision events whenever two entities collide.


Following is some skeleton code that implements Position and Direction components, a MovementSystem using these data components, and a CollisionSystem that emits Collision events when two entities collide.


Entities are simply 64-bit numeric identifiers with which components are associated. Entity IDs are allocated by the EntityManager. Components are then associated with the entity, and can be queried or retrieved directly.

Creating an entity is as simple as:

EntityManager entities;

Entity entity = entities.create();

And destroying an entity is done with:


Testing for destroyed entities

The Entity type can be seen as a safe pointer. Test if it is valid with entity.exists().

Components (entity data)

The idea with ECS is to not have any functionality in the component. All logic should be contained in Systems.

To that end Components are typically POD types containing self-contained sets of related data. Implementations are curiously recurring template pattern (CRTP) subclasses of Component<T>.

Implementation notes:

  • Components must provide a no-argument constructor.
  • The current implementation can handle up to 64 components in total.

Creating components

As an example, position and direction information might be represented as:

struct Position : Component<Position> {
  Position(float x = 0.0f, float y = 0.0f) : x(x), y(y) {}

  float x, y;

struct Direction : Component<Direction> {
  Direction(float x = 0.0f, float y = 0.0f) : x(x), y(y) {}

  float x, y;

Assigning components to entities

To associate a component with a previously created entity call Entity::assign<C>() with the component type, and any component constructor arguments:

// Assign a Position with x=1.0f and y=2.0f to "entity"
entity.assign<Position>(1.0f, 2.0f);

You can also assign existing instances of components:

boost::shared_ptr<Position> position = boost::make_shared<Position>(1.0f, 2.0f);

Querying entities and their components

To query all entities with a set of components assigned, use EntityManager::entities_with_components(). This method will return only those entities that have all of the specified components associated with them, assigning each component pointer to the corresponding component instance:

boost::shared_ptr<Position> position;
boost::shared_ptr<Direction> direction;
for (auto entity : entities.entities_with_components(position, direction)) {
  // Do things with entity ID, position and direction.

To retrieve a component associated with an entity use Entity::component<C>():

boost::shared_ptr<Position> position = entity.component<Position>();
if (position) {
  // Do stuff with position

Systems (implementing behavior)

Systems implement behavior using one or more components. Implementations are subclasses of System<T> and must implement the update() method, as shown below.

A basic movement system might be implemented with something like the following:

struct MovementSystem : public System<MovementSystem> {
  void update(EntityManager &es, EventManager &events, double dt) override {
    boost::shared_ptr<Position> position;
    boost::shared_ptr<Direction> direction;
    for (auto entity : es.entities_with_components(position, direction)) {
      position->x += direction->x;
      position->y += direction->y;

Events (communicating between systems)

Events are objects emitted by systems, typically when some condition is met. Listeners subscribe to an event type and will receive a callback for each event object emitted. An EventManager coordinates subscription and delivery of events between subscribers and emitters. Typically subscribers will be other systems, but need not be. Events are not part of the original ECS pattern, but they are an efficient alternative to component flags for sending infrequent data.

As an example, we might want to implement a very basic collision system using our Position data from above.

Creating event types

First, we define the event type, which for our example is simply the two entities that collided:

struct Collision : public Event<Collision> {
  Collision(Entity left, Entity right) : left(left), right(right) {}

  Entity left, right;

Emitting events

Next we implement our collision system, which emits Collision objects via an EventManager instance whenever two entities collide.

class CollisionSystem : public System<CollisionSystem> {
  void update(EntityManager &es, EventManager &events, double dt) override {
    boost::shared_ptr<Position> left_position, right_position;
    for (auto left_entity : es.entities_with_components(left_position)) {
      for (auto right_entity : es.entities_with_components(right_position)) {
        if (collide(left_position, right_position)) {
          events.emit<Collision>(left_entity, right_entity);

Subscribing to events

Objects interested in receiving collision information can subscribe to Collision events by first subclassing the CRTP class Receiver<T>:

struct DebugCollisions : public Receiver<DebugCollisions> {
  void receive(const Collision &collision) {
    LOG(DEBUG) << "entities collided: " << collision.left << " and " << collision.right << endl;

Note: a single class can receive any number of types of events by implementing a receive(const EventType &) method for each event type.

Finally, we subscribe our receiver to collision events:

// Setup code (typically global)
EventManager events;
CollisionSystem collisions(events);
DebugCollisions debug_collisions;

// Subscribe to collisions

There can be more than one subscriber for an event; each one will be called.

Manager (tying it all together)

Managing systems, components and entities can be streamlined by subclassing Manager. It is not necessary, but it provides callbacks for configuring systems, initializing entities, and so on.

To use it, subclass Manager and implement configure(), initialize() and update():

class GameManager : public Manager {
  void configure() {

  void initialize() {
    // Create some entities in random locations heading in random directions
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
      Entity entity = entity_manager.create();
      entity.assign<Position>(rand() % 100, rand() % 100);
      entity.assign<Direction>((rand() % 10) - 5, (rand() % 10) - 5);

  void update(double dt) {


EntityX has the following build and runtime requirements:

  • A C++ compiler that supports a basic set of C++11 features (ie. recent clang, recent gcc, but NOT Visual C++).
  • CMake
  • Boost 1.48.0 or higher (links against boost::signals).
  • Glog (tested with 0.3.2).
  • GTest (needed for testing only)

Note: GTest is no longer installable directly through Homebrew. You can use this formula to install it manually. For Debian Linux, install libgtest-dev and then see /usr/share/doc/libgtest-dev/README.Debian.

Once these dependencies are installed you should be able to build and install EntityX as follows. BUILD_TESTING is false by default.

mkdir build
cd build
cmake [-DBUILD_TESTING=true] ..
make install

EntityX has currently only been tested on Mac OSX (Lion and Mountain Lion), and Linux Debian. Reports and patches for builds on other platforms are welcome.