
Project template based on .NET-CLI to help build RESTful web api project scaffolding that meets custom requirements.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


English | 简体中文

Project template based on .NET-CLI to help build RESTful web api project scaffolding that meets custom requirements


  • .netcore 3.1

Integrate third-party class libraries in scaffolding

Installation (These instructions are performed in PowerShell or Cmder using .NET-CLI, the same below)

dotnet new --install Larsson.Template.RESTfulAPI

Verify template installation

dotnet new --list

If the following template is added, the installation is successful.

Templates Short Name Language Tags
ASP.NET Core RESTfulAPI Template by Larsson restful-api-l [C #] Web / WebAPI / RESTfulAPI

Quick start

Create a new directory, such as demo, and use the template to create a new project in this directory

> mkdir demo
> cd demo
> dotnet new restful-api-l -o. -n templateUseDemo

If successful, will prompt

The template "ASP.NET Core RESTfulAPI Template by Larsson" was created successfully.

You will get the following structure of the project scaffolding underdemo(here only the key files and directories are listed, the same below)

├─templateUseDemo.Api - API service items
│ ├─Controllers - Controller
│ ├─Middlewares - Middlewares
│ └─Services - External services, such as JWT generator (this template is a local implementation, you can actually use the authentication framework such as `IndentityServer4`)
│ └─appsettings.json - Configuration file
├─templateUseDemo.Core - Core project
│ ├─Configurations - Model configuration
│ │ ├─PropertyMappings - DTO and instance model mapping
│ │ ├─SortMappings - DTO Sorting attributes and some attribute mapping of the model
│ │ └─Validators - DTO
│ ├─DomainModels - Other domain models
│ ├─DTOs - DTO
│ ├─Entities - Example model
│ └─Interfaces - Interface
└─templateUseDemo.Infrastructure - Infrastructure Project
    └─Repositories - Data repositories

Go to the templateUseDemo.Api directory and run the project

> cd templateUseDemo.Api
> dotnet restore
> dotnet run

The console gets the following results indicating success

[11:29:29 INF] Now listening on: http: // localhost: 5000
[11:29:29 INF] Now listening on: https: // localhost: 5001
[11:29:29 INF] Application started. Press Ctrl + C to shut down.
[11:29:29 INF] Hosting environment: Production
[11:29:29 INF] Content root path: xxxx \ demo \ templateUseDemo.Api



  • Use ROW_NUMBER() in EF3.x for paging query (custom extension replaces the method in EF3.X)
  • bool - Optional
  • Default: true / (*) false

-esfoss | --enable-support-for-obsolete-sql-server

  • Use EF2.x to enable EF to support page turning query (ROW_NUMBER ()) for databases before SQL Server 2012, please see issue.
  • bool-Optional
  • Default: false / (*) true

-elrh | --enable-larsson-restfulapi-helper

  • Use Larsson.RESTfulAPIHelper to simplify sorting, pagination, and shaping of the result data bureau.
  • bool-Optional
  • Default: true

-egrhw | --enable-global-response-handler-wrapper

  • Use global HTTP exception handlers and response wrappers, such as attaching a body to a response with a statuscode of 200. See AutoWrapper for details
  • bool-Optional
  • Default: true

-es | --enable-swagger

  • Integrated swagger
  • bool-Optional
  • Default: false / (*) true

-eja | --enable-jwt-authentication

  • Use scaffolding preset verification method (JWT)
  • bool-Optional
  • Default: true

-erc | --enable-response-cache

  • Use HTTP response cache
  • bool-Optional
  • Default: false / (*) true

-ct | --cache-type

  • Pre-made cache example
  • LocalMemoryCache-local memory cache
  • DistributedCache-distributed cache (default is local memory, you need to integrate redis yourself)

-dt | --db-type

  • Type of database used
  • DbInMemory-In-memory database
  • MsSQL-MS-SQLServer
  • Default: DbInMemory

-ec | --enable-consul

  • Use Consul as a microservice discovery
  • bool - Optional
  • Default: false / (*) true

Database Migration and DataSeed

If you need to use MS-SQLServer as the database storage medium, you need to pay attention to the following

Create a new directory and create a project with MS-SQLServer database in the directory

> mkdir demoForDb
> cd demoForDb
> dotnet new restful-api-l -o. -n templateUseDemoForDb -dt MSSQL -esfoss true

execution succeed

The template "ASP.NET Core RESTfulAPI Template by Larsson" was created successfully.

You will get a project scaffolding with the following structure under the directorydemoForDb(an additional migration project)

├─templateUseDemoForDb.Api - application layer
│ ├─Configurations
│ │ ├─PropertyMappings - Configure the mapping between DTO and entity, Filter and Command
│ │ ├─SortMappings - Configure sorting based on the mapping of specified attributes in DTO to attributes in entities
│ │ └─Validators - Configure DTO validation
│ ├─Controllers
│ ├─Middlewares
│ ├─Services-Application Service
│ └─appsettings.json
├─templateUseDemoForDb.Core - domain layer
│ ├─Entities - domain entities (aggregation, entity, value object)
│ ├─Interfaces
│ ├─SeedWork
│ ├─Services - Domain Services
│ └─Specifications - Domain Rules
├─templateUseDemoForDb.EfMigration - database migration project
│ ├─DbContext - database context
│ ├─EntityConfigurations - Use Fluent API to configure model mapping (independent from DBcontext)
│ ├─Migrations - migration file (automatically generated by migration)
│ ├─appsettings.json - configuration file (database connection part must be consistent with API)
│ └─DemoContextSeed.cs - data seed file (provide sample data)
└─templateUseDemoForDb.Infrastructure - Infrastructure layer
  ├─Repositories - storage
  └─Utils - Infrastructure Services

Go to the directory of the projecttemplateUseDemoForDb.EfMigrationand modify the database connection in the configuration fileappsettings.json

> cd templateUseDemoForDb.EfMigration
> notepad appsettings.json
"ConnectionStrings": {
  "templateUseDemoForDbDbConnStr": "(Modify to your database connection string)"

Run the database migration project

> dotnet run

Wait for a while and get the following result to indicate success (without any errors or warnings)

Several seed data are added (if this is the first execution)
[10:23:40 INF] Seed data created.
[10:23:40 DBG] 'DemoContext' disposed.
[10:23:40 INF]**Data migration completed.**

Then enter the api projecttemplateUseDemoForDb.Apiand modify the database connection in the configuration fileappsettings.json(same as just now) Then run the api project

> dotnet restore
> dotnet run

Wait for a while and get the following result indicating success

[16:50:07 INF] Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
[16:50:07 INF] Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
[16:50:07 INF] Application started. Press Ctrl + C to shut down.
[16:50:07 INF] Hosting environment: Production
[16:50:07 INF] Content root path: xxxxx\templateusedemofordb.api

Test interface

Send using postman or directly using the browser


Get similar json return table success

    "statusCode": 200,
    "message": "Request successful.",
    "isError": false,
    "result": [
            "id": "16735bcb-03ba-4468-ac0d-a0792d7299ad",
            "name": "A Learning ASP.NET Core",
            "description": "C best-selling book covering the fundamentals of ASP.NET Core"
            "id": "7c48a0f2-b790-4db2-bd68-8e62a03ae09e",
            "name": "C Learning .NET Core",
            "description": "D best-selling book covering the fundamentals of .NET Core"

This template project follows the agreement

Apache License 2.0 license.

Copyright (c) 2020-present Larssonsun