
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Experiments in database migration testing. Optimized for educational value, not production quality.


  • Node.js
  • Docker
npm install
npm run mocha:container  # Testing dependencies (testcontainer, Docker)
npm test                 # Passing pipelines for version 0 and 1
npm run 2                # Failing pipeline for version 2

Sample output:

$ npm run 1

Testing version "1"
  (testing app@1)
  (testing migration@1 on test data)
  (testing migration@1 on production data)
    (Recreated "test" db to schema@0 and transactions@0)
Deploying schema@1
  (Recreated "production" db to schema@0 and transactions@0)
  (Migrated "production" db to schema@1)
  Running app@0
    Users in "production" db
Deploying app@1
  (Updated "production" db with transactions@1)
  Running app@1
    Users in "production" db
    ciao@diku.dk (user)
    ciao@diku.dk (admin)
    lars@zealake.com (user)


It might be useful to peek around in the container when running a failing pipeline locally. When enabling this, the pipeline will automatically start "psql" inside the running container, plus show the connection string for connection via an IDE on your own machine.

DEBUG_CONTAINER=true npm run 2

Sample output:

error: could not create unique index "email"
 detail: 'Key (email)=(ciao@diku.dk) is duplicated.',

----- Entering psql on container to debug.
----- Type ctrl-d to exit.
psql (13.3)
Type "help" for help.

Then you can type SQL commands, like this:

test=# select * from "user";
 id |      email       | isadmin
  1 | lars@zealake.com | f
  2 | ciao@diku.dk     | f
  3 | ciao@diku.dk     | t
(3 rows)

test=# ^D\q
Error: Failed to migrate "test" to version 2