
A Java library for generating Time Sortable Identifiers (TSID).

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

TSID Creator

This is a Java library for Time Sortable Identifier (TSID).

It brings together ideas from Twitter's Snowflake and ULID Spec.

In summary:

  • Sorted by generation time;
  • Can be stored as an integer of 64 bits;
  • Can be stored as a string of 13 chars;
  • String format is encoded to Crockford's base32;
  • String format is URL safe, is case insensitive, and has no hyphens;
  • Shorter than UUID, ULID and KSUID.

This project contains a micro benchmark and a good amount of unit tests.

The jar file can be downloaded directly from maven.org.

Read the Javadocs.

Also read the entry Snowflake ID on Wikipedia.

How to Use

Create a TSID:

Tsid tsid = TsidCreator.getTsid1024();

Create a TSID number:

long number = TsidCreator.getTsid1024().toLong(); // 38352658567418872

Create a TSID string:

String string = TsidCreator.getTsid1024().toString(); // 01226N0640J7Q

There are three predefined node ranges: 256, 1024 and 4096.

The TSID generator is thread-safe.

Maven dependency

Add these lines to your pom.xml:

<!-- https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.github.f4b6a3/tsid-creator -->

See more options in maven.org.


Module and bundle names are the same as the root package name.

  • JPMS module name: com.github.f4b6a3.tsid
  • OSGi symbolic name: com.github.f4b6a3.tsid

TSID as Long

This section shows how to create TSID numbers.

The method Tsid.toLong() simply unwraps the internal long value.

// Create a TSID for up to 256 nodes and 16384 ID/ms
long tsid = TsidCreator.getTsid256().toLong();
// Create a TSID for up to 1024 nodes and 4096 ID/ms
long tsid = TsidCreator.getTsid1024().toLong();
// Create a TSID for up to 4096 nodes and 1024 ID/ms
long tsid = TsidCreator.getTsid4096().toLong();

Sequence of TSIDs:

38352658573940759 < millisecond changed
         ^      ^ look
   time   random

TSID as String

This section shows how to create TSID strings.

The TSID string is a 13 characters long string encoded to Crockford's base 32.

// Create a TSID string for up to 256 nodes and 16384 ID/ms
String tsid = TsidCreator.getTsid256().toString();
// Create a TSID string for up to 1024 nodes and 4096 ID/ms
String tsid = TsidCreator.getTsid1024().toString();
// Create a TSID string for up to 4096 nodes and 1024 ID/ms
String tsid = TsidCreator.getTsid4096().toString();

Sequence of TSID strings:

01226N0693HDA < millisecond changed
        ^   ^ look
   time random

TSID Structure

The term TSID stands for (roughly) Time Sortable ID. A TSID is a number that is formed by the creation time along with random bits.

The TSID has 2 components:

  • Time component (42 bits)
  • Random component (22 bits)

The time component is the count of milliseconds since 2020-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.

The Random component has 2 sub-parts:

  • Node ID (0 to 20 bits)
  • Counter (2 to 22 bits)

The counter bits depend on the node bits. If the node bits are 10, the counter bits are limited to 12. In this example, the maximum node value is 2^10-1 = 1023 and the maximum counter value is 2^12-1 = 4095. So the maximum TSIDs that can be generated per millisecond is 4096.

The node identifier uses 10 bits of the random component by default in the TsidFactory. It's possible to adjust the node bits to a value between 0 and 20. The counter bits are affected by the node bits.

This is the default TSID structure:

       time (msecs since 2020-01-01)           node       counter
                42 bits                       10 bits     12 bits

- time:    2^42 = ~139 years (with adjustable epoch)
- node:    2^10 = 1,024 (with adjustable bits)
- counter: 2^12 = 4,096 (initially random)

The node is adjustable from 0 to 20 bits.
The node bits affect the counter bits.
The time component can be used for ~69 years if stored in a SIGNED 64 bits integer field.

The time component can be 1 ms or more ahead of the system time when necessary to maintain monotonicity and generation speed.

The node identifier is a random number from 0 to 1023 (default). It can be replaced by a value given to the TsidFactory constructor or method factory.

The recommended way to define the node identifier is by using a system property tsidcreator.node or a environment variable TSIDCREATOR_NODE.

Node identifier

The node identifier can be given to the TsidFactory by defining a system property tsidcreator.node or a environment variable TSIDCREATOR_NODE. If this property or variable exists, the node identifier is its value. Otherwise, the node identifier is random number.

The simplest way to avoid collisions is to ensure that each generator has its exclusive node identifier.

  • Using system property:
// append to VM arguments
  • Using environment variable:
# append to /etc/environment or ~/.profile

More Examples

Create a TSID from a canonical string (13 chars):

Tsid tsid = Tsid.from("0123456789ABC");

Convert a TSID into a canonical string in lower case:

String string = tsid.toLowerCase(); // 0123456789abc

Get the creation instant of a TSID:

Instant instant = tsid.getInstant(); // 2020-04-15T22:31:02.458Z

A key generator that makes substitution easy if necessary:

package com.example;

import com.github.f4b6a3.tsid.TsidCreator;

public class KeyGenerator {
    public static String next() {
        return TsidCreator.getTsid1024().toString();
String key = KeyGenerator.next();

A TsidFactory with a FIXED node identifier:

int node = 256; // max: 2^10
TsidFactory factory = new TsidFactory(node);

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();

A TsidFactory with a FIXED node identifier and CUSTOM node bits:

// setup a factory for up to 64 nodes and 65536 ID/ms.
TsidFactory factory = TsidFactory.builder()
    .withNodeBits(6)      // max: 20
    .withNode(63)         // max: 2^nodeBits

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();

A TsidFactory with a CUSTOM epoch:

// use a CUSTOM epoch that starts from the fall of the Berlin Wall
Instant customEpoch = Instant.parse("1989-11-09T00:00:00Z");
TsidFactory factory = TsidFactory.builder().withCustomEpoch(customEpoch).build();

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();

A TsidFactory with java.util.Random:

// use a `java.util.Random` instance for fast generation
TsidFactory factory = TsidFactory.builder().withRandom(new Random()).build();

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();

A TsidFactory with SplittableRandom:

// use a random function that returns an int value
SplittableRandom random = new SplittableRandom();
TsidFactory factory = TsidFactory.builder()
    .withRandomFunction(() -> random.nextInt())

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();

A TsidFactory with RandomGenerator (JDK 17+):

// use a random function that returns an int value
RandomGenerator random = RandomGenerator.getDefault();
TsidFactory factory = TsidFactory.builder()
    .withRandomFunction(() -> random.nextInt())

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();

A TsidFactory with ThreadLocalRandom:

// use a random function that returns an array of bytes with a given length
TsidFactory factory = TsidFactory.builder()
    .withRandomFunction(length -> {
        final byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
        return bytes;

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();

A TsidFactory that creates TSIDs similar to Twitter Snowflakes:

// Twitter Snowflakes have 5 bits for datacenter ID and 5 bits for worker ID
int datacenter = 1; // max: 2^5-1 = 31
int worker = 1;     // max: 2^5-1 = 31
int node = (datacenter << 5 | worker); // max: 2^10-1 = 1023

// Twitter Epoch is fixed in 1288834974657 (2010-11-04T01:42:54.657Z)
Instant customEpoch = Instant.ofEpochMilli(1288834974657L);

// a function that returns an array with ZEROS, making the factory
// to RESET the counter to ZERO when the millisecond changes
IntFunction<byte[]> randomFunction = (x) -> new byte[x];

// a factory that returns TSIDs similar to Twitter Snowflakes
TsidFactory factory = TsidFactory.builder()

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();

A TsidFactory that creates TSIDs similar to Discord Snowflakes:

// Discord Snowflakes have 5 bits for worker ID and 5 bits for process ID
int worker = 1;  // max: 2^5-1 = 31
int process = 1; // max: 2^5-1 = 31
int node = (worker << 5 | process); // max: 2^10-1 = 1023

// Discord Epoch starts in the first millisecond of 2015
Instant customEpoch = Instant.parse("2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z");

// a factory that returns TSIDs similar to Discord Snowflakes
TsidFactory factory = TsidFactory.builder()

// use the factory
Tsid tsid = factory.create();


This section shows benchmarks comparing TsidCreator to java.util.UUID.

THROUGHPUT (operations/msec)       Mode  Cnt      Score      Error   Units
UUID_randomUUID                   thrpt    5   3264,286 ±   30,637  ops/ms
UUID_randomUUID_toString          thrpt    5   2904,448 ±   15,118  ops/ms
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
TsidCreator_getTsid256            thrpt    5  34340,563 ± 2635,310  ops/ms
TsidCreator_getTsid256_toString   thrpt    5  22583,686 ± 6753,069  ops/ms
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
TsidCreator_getTsid1024           thrpt    5  35278,645 ± 1553,635  ops/ms
TsidCreator_getTsid1024_toString  thrpt    5  22356,842 ±  574,642  ops/ms
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
TsidCreator_getTsid4096           thrpt    5  34244,278 ± 5090,903  ops/ms
TsidCreator_getTsid4096_toString  thrpt    5  21171,762 ±  552,435  ops/ms
Total time: 00:02:41

System: CPU i7-8565U, 16G RAM, Ubuntu 22.04, JVM 11, rng-tools installed.

To execute the benchmark, run ./benchmark/run.sh.

Other identifier generators

Check out the other ID generators from the same family:


This library is Open Source software released under the MIT license.