Ham Paper Log Sheet

Based on the inspiration by this great DIN A4 logbook sheet from DARC OV B14 Schweinfurt this should cover the need for a adaptable DIN A5 version.

Requirements and Development

If you want to compile your own version you need a current version of LaTeX, which should include PDFLaTeX. For now only packages from the standard library are used, so you should not need additional stuff to compile this.

Just get the source and compile by pdflatex plain-log-a5.tex. You can get the source by cloning the git repo or by downloading the ZIP version of the repo.

If you want to add features or changes feel free to fork and submit a pull request. If you are not able to take part in the development, but you have ideas for features or find a bug please open a github issues in the repo here.

Contributers and License

The comprehensive listy of contributers can be found here. The development was started by: @mathisschmieder and @daccle.

All work is licensed under the conditions of the MIT License (MIT), the full text of the license can be found in the repo.


A recent version of the PDF version of this logbook sheet can be found here.


These packages are needed as dependency if you use the BasicTeX distribution:

  • german
  • todonotes
  • array
  • geometry
  • xcolor