This is a demonstration of how to use gun (Erlang) with a GenServer wrapper in Elixir.
Why would you want to do this? I suspect for testing your websocket capable server.
If you don't know why you would want to then this probably isn't for you.
As is it is just pinging for demonstration purposes. You'll have to point it somewhere else to do something smarter with it.
You need to have Elixir and Erlang installed.
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile
Once you have it installed.
iex -S mix
You need to open the websocket before attempting to send messages.
iex> WebsocketClient.Application.open_ws
Send messages and the replies come back automatically.
iex> WebsocketClient.Application.send_message("My name is Jonas!")
15:23:02.790 [info] Message received "My name is Jonas!"
Use set_from if you want to use it remotely...
iex> WebsocketClient.Application.set_from
15:26:41.332 [info] Sending... "I love you"
15:26:41.449 [info] I love you more!
I promise this makes sense if you look at the code. :)
That's it! Have fun.