Hungarian Politics Filter

A Chrome extension that removes Hungarian Politics from the Internet.


This extension was created originally by Rob Spectre to ignore Donal Trump from the internet.

I tried to find a solution to ignore hungarian politics. I liked the idea and I forked this project to us to hide every hungarian politics from the internet.

The extension is during development.


  • Detects instances of any Hungarian Politics on web pages, warning users of the horror they may contain.
  • Attempts to identify semantically sections of the page likely to contain Hungarian Politics and removes them from the page.
  • Sensitivity settings to customize the aggressiveness of the filter - remove single references, chunks or the entire page.

Future features

  • Optimize extension for the bigger sites (index, origo, facebook, twitter etc)
  • External filter words list to update without update extension
  • Add more filter words
  • Enable/Disable option for individual sites (like AdBlocker)

Installation (for Users)

Not available yet.

Installation (for Developers)

Want to hack on the Hungarian Politics Filter? Sweet!

Here's a howto to get the source of the Chrome Extension running in your environment.

  1. Grab latest source
git clone ...
  1. Enable Chrome Extension in your Chrome install
Open Chrome.
Navigate to Settings... Tools... Extensions.
Click + on "Developer mode"
Click "Load unpacked extensions..."
Navigate to directory you installed Hungarian Politics Filter and click Open.
Chuckle to self as you reload this page and significant chunks of it suddenly disappear.
  1. Make the world a safer place.


  • Original created by Rob Spectre.
  • This work is licensed under GPLv3.
  • Lovingly crafted in Brooklyn, NY.