- 0
Placeholder for Klaus : Preventing the ordeal of angle definitions in the configuration file
#109 opened by degeflija - 0
Update CAN output format according to spec
#108 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Competion Mode: switch off AHRS output
#107 opened by MaxBaex - 5
- 1
Cleanup Custom Drivers
#95 opened by MaxBaex - 1
Filename of images should contain their SW version
#105 opened by degeflija - 2
- 2
NMEA transmission interval
#98 opened by MaxBaex - 1
CAN_send not thread safe
#101 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Streamline configuration file format
#91 opened by MaxBaex - 0
CAN_send(*) misses a return statement
#96 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Mixing of float and float32_t
#94 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Optimize IDE debug configuration
#93 opened by MaxBaex - 2
GNSS status reported in correctly
#32 opened by degeflija - 1
Improve start and landing detection
#45 opened by MaxBaex - 3
Add ADS-L capability
#60 opened by realtimepeople - 2
- 1
Delete old logger files when uSD fills up
#65 opened by realtimepeople - 2
Wind direction is flipping around when speed = 0
#86 opened by Simsys - 1
- 1
enhance sensor.readings output
#73 opened by MaxBaex - 1
- 2
- 2
Make Bluetooth device name distinguishable
#25 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Generate pack.toml file
#82 opened by MaxBaex - 0
esp32 licence file on wrong place
#79 opened by MaxBaex - 3
- 1
sw_esp32 cleanup and add
#76 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Use https for cloning submodule(s)
#67 opened by MaxBaex - 4
Describe process of GNSS configuration
#66 opened by MaxBaex - 0
describe led signal meanings
#71 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Accelerometer Calibration
#61 opened by realtimepeople - 1
Mag calib parameter in eeprom ..
#49 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Prepare repository for setting public
#34 opened by MaxBaex - 15
- 2
- 1
EE_PageTransfer() will erase most parameters!
#47 opened by MaxBaex - 0
Handle assert() correctly
#53 opened by realtimepeople - 4
- 4
- 3
AD57 <-> Sensor <-> XCSOAR Bridge
#23 opened by MaxBaex - 3
- 1
ESP32 Firmware for V2.0 Hardware
#38 opened by MaxBaex - 1
Make software generic and remove D-KCOM dependencies
#29 opened by MaxBaex - 5
- 2
Calibrate accelerometers and magnetometers after installation of the IMU.
#37 opened by realtimepeople - 0
Wrong GPIO Port identifier
#35 opened by MaxBaex - 1
- 1
Turnrate always positive
#31 opened by degeflija - 0