
The javascript LRC lyrics parser and shower for the web

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple standalone javascript library to parse and show LRC lyric in a web page.


Include the js and css file in your page.

	<script type="text/javascript" src="lyricer.min.js"></script>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="lyricer.min.css">

In your page, you need to create an empty div with the default id 'lyricer'. This div is to place the html lyrics.

    <div id="lyricer"></div>

In your js code, you can create a Lyricer object, provding an object of options, or leave it empty.

    var lrc = new Lyricer({"showLines": 10, "clickable": false});
    var lrc = new Lyricer();

To set lrc text, run the following method,


The main method is to move to a specific time in seconds. The following line moves the html lyrics in your page to the line when the song plays at time 100 seconds.


Usually, you can create a function object around the move method and bind it to the timeupdate event of an audio, for example,

    audio.addEventListener( "timeupdate", function() {

When you click a line of lyrics, it will generate a 'lyricerclick' event, which can tell you the starttime of that line. This feature can be used to seek the audio via lyrics.

	window.addEventListener('lyricerclick', function(e){
	    if (e.detail.time > 0) {
	        audio.currentTime = e.detail.time;


Option Explaination
showLines There're 8 lines' lyrics before/after the current playing one, to change it, assgin a different value as follows.
clickable Turn on/off 'lyricerclick' feature