
GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Layout nodes

Provides a content type which allows you to add layouts to individual nodes.

Installation and usage

  1. Copy to your modules directory
  2. Enable the module at the module administration page. This creates a node type called Layout node.
  3. Create a Layout node content at Content > Add content > Layout node:
  • First select a layout then click Save Layout
  • Next fill in the node form as usual with title and any additional fields
  • Save
  • After save, two new tabs will be available.
    • click Edit template to change the node template
    • click Edit blocks to add and rearrange the content of your node layout
    • fields on the node will be available as individual blocks


This project is GPL v2 software. See the LICENSE.txt file in this directory for complete text.

Current Maintainers

Ported to Backdrop by @docwilmot (https://github.com/docwilmot)

Seeking new maintainers


Originally created by merlinofchaos on Drupal

Maintainers of Panels module on drupal.org:

samuel.mortenson japerry tim.plunkett EclipseGc sdboyer