
My notes for learning assembly language

Primary LanguageAssembly



Nothing here is original, this is barely more than a rewording of x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu by Ed Jorgensen. Anything not from there is almost certainly from some other popular tutorial. These are just personal notes for my use which you are welcome to read, copy, etc.

Three Sections

An assembly program has the following three sections: Data, BSS, Text.


The following syntax denotes the beginning of the data section:

section .data

This section contains initialized data and constants. Does not change at runtime.


This denotes the beginning of the variable section:

section .bss

The bss section contains variable declarations.


This section contains the actual code.

section .text
  global _start

Global start lets the kernel know where the program execution begins.


Comments are preceded with a semicolon. Comments can contain any printable character

; this is a full line comment
add eax, ebx  ; this is an inline comment


There are three types of statements:

  • instructions

These tell the processor what to do.Each instruction has an op-code.

  • directives or pseudo-ops

These tell the assembler about the various aspects of the assembly process. These are non-executable.

  • macros

Text substitution

Tool Chain

The software tools used in creating assembly programs are as follows:

  • Assembler
  • Linker
  • Loader
  • Debugger


The assembler is a program converts assembly code into machine language (binary). The output file is known as an object file, hence the .o suffix. During this process the variable names get removed and converted into addresses.

Assembling with YASM

The following command will create a list file for a given program written in a .asm:

yasm -g dwarf2 -f elf64 example.asm -l example.lst
  • -g dwarf2 instructs the assembler to include debugging information in the final object file.
  • -f elf64 instructs the assembler to output a ELF64 object file, suitable for 64-bit Linux systems.
  • -l example.lst tells the assembler to create a list file.

List File

This file gives a line by line mapping of assembly to machine language. It can be useful for debugging.

Two Pass Assembler

Since assembly language can have control flow commands, such as jumps, if statements, etc. Assembly is not necessarily executed linearly. To create machine code from an assembly program the assembler takes two passed over the code.

First Pass

Often this includes tasks such as creating a symbol table, expanding macros and evaluating constant expressions.

Second Pass

This usually includes the final generation of the code, creation of the list file, if required, and creating the object file.

Assembling with NASM

  • save the above as a file with extension .asm, for example: hello.asm
  • assemble program with:
nasm -f elf hello.asm
  • if no errors, hello.o will have been created
  • To link the object file and create the executable file named hello:
ld -m elf_i386 -s -o hello hello.o
  • execute with:


Also known as the linkage editor. This combines object files into a single executable. It also includes any libraries required for execution. The following is a command for the GNU Gold linker:

ld -g -o example example.o

The -g flag tells the linker to include debugging information. The -o flag specifies the output file, here example. Multiple object files can be linked together. When using a function from another file, the function must be flagged with extern.

Dynamic Linking

Linux supports dynamic linking. This allows resolution of some symbols be postponed until the execution of the program. Under Linux dynamically linked object files have the extension .so, shared object. The Windows equivalent is .dll.

Assemble/Link Script

The following is an example of a bash script to automate the calls to the assembler and linker into a single call.


if [ -z $1 ]; then
  echo "Usage: ./asm64 <asmMainFile> (no extension)"

# verify no extent ions were entered
if [ ! -e "$1.asm" ]; then
  echo "Error, $1.asm not found."
  echo "Note, do not enter file extensions."

#  Compile, assemble, and link

yasm -Worphan-labels -g dwarf2 -f elf64 $1.asm -l $1.lst ld -g -o $1 $1.o  


This is the part of the operating system that loads the program from secondary storage into memory. Under Linux this is done with the program name. For example, if the program is called hello_world, the command will be:



This is a program that can control the execution of the assembly program in order to inspect how it is (or is not) working.


GDB is a debugger for assembly language as well as C/C++. It is terminal-based but also can be run in emacs. To start in emacs use m-x gdb or to run in the terminal use:

$ gdb <executable>

Prior to this, compile and link the asm source code so that it can be debugged. For example, in order to do this for myprogram.asm:

$ nasm -g -f elf64 -l myprogram.lst myprogram.asm && ld -g -o myprogram myprogram.o

here -g causes NASM to generate debug information. -f spefifies the file format (in this case elf64). -l specifies the lst file to be made. Following the call to NASM, a call is made to the GNU linker ld.

To simplify this process, it is recommended to have a shell script to automate assembling and linking in debug mode:


nasm -g -f elf64 -l $1.lst $1.asm && ld -g -o $1 $1.o

To start the execution of a program in gdb use:

(gdb) start

GDB commands

b Nbreakpoint at line N
b fnbreakpoint at function fn
d Ndelete breakpoint number N
info breaklist breakpoints
rrun until breakpoint or error
ccontinue running until breakpoint or error
srun next line
p varprint current value of variable var
info registers / i rprint names and values of registers
info registers eax / i r eaxprints register eax
x/<data-type> &<name>print contents of memory at name

Syntax of Statements

Assembly language has one statement per line

[label] mnemonic [operands] [; comment]

Fields in the square brackets are optional. There are two basic parts to the instruction - the name (mnemonic) and the operands.For example:

INC COUNT ; increment the variable COUNT

MOV TOTAL ; Transfer the total value 48 into memory variable TOTAL

Assembly Hello World

section .text
  global _start  ; must be declared for linker
  mov edx,len ; message length
  mov ecx,msg ; message to write
  mov ebx,1   ; file descriptor (stdout)
  mov eax,4   ; system call number (sys_write)
  int 0x80    ; call kernel
  mov eax,1   ; system call number (sys_exit)
  int 0x80    ; call kernel

section .data
msg db 'Hello, world!', 0xa ; string to be printed
en equ $ - msg ; length of the string

Memory Segments

Segmented memory model:

In a segmented memory model the system memory is divided into independent segments. Segments are used to store specific types of data. One segment for instruction codes, one for data elements, etc.

Data segment

Represented by the .data section and the .bss section. The .data section is holds static data that remains unchanged during the course of the program. The .bss section is also for static data. Data here are declared during the course of the program. The .bss section is zero filled prior to execution.

Code segment

Represented by the .text section. Fixed data that stores instruction codes.


This contains data passed to functions and procedures during the course of a program.


In order to avoid the slow process of reading and storing data in memory, the processor has temporary storage locations called registers. These can store data elements for processing without having to access memory.

Processor Registers

The 32 bit processor has 10 registers. These are grouped into the following categories:

  • General (Data, Pointer, Index)
  • Control
  • Segment

General Registers


These are used for arithmetic, logic and other operations. They have three different modes of usage:

  • As complete 32-bit registers: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX (RAX RBX RCX RDX for 64 bit registers)
  • The lower halves can be used as four 16 bit data registers: AX, BX, CX, DX
  • The lower halves of the above 16 bit registers can be used as eight 8-bit registers: AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, DL
EAX |----------------|---AH---|---AL---|

EBX |----------------|---BH---|---BL---|

ECX |----------------|---CH---|---CL---|

EDX |----------------|---DH---|---DL---|

Although the above are most frequently used, there are in total 16 general purpose 64-bit registers.

64-bitlower 32-bitslower 16-bitslower 8-bits
  • AX - Primary Accumulator

I/O for most arithmetic instructions, for example multiplication. One operand is stored in other EAX, AX or AL depending on size.

  • BX - Base

Sometimes used in index addressing.

  • CX - Count

Stores loop counts in various iterative operations

  • DX - Data:

Also used in I/O. Notably when large numbers are involved.

Pointer Registers

Stores addresses in memory. In 32-bit these are EIP, ESP and EBP. In 16-bit these correspond to IP, SP and BP.

  • IP - Instruction Pointer

Stores the offset address of the next instruction to be executed. In combination with the CS register (CS:IP) gives the full address of the current instruction in code segment.

  • SP - Stack Pointer

Provides the offset value in the program stack. In combination with the SS register (SS:SP) gives the current position of data or address in the program stack.

  • BP - Base Pointer

Helps in referencing the parameter variables passed to a subroutine. The address in SS in combination with the offset BP gives the location of a parameter. Can also be combined with DI and SI as a base register for special addressing.

Index Registers

ESI and EDI in 32-bit, or SI and DI in 16-bit.

  • SI - Source Index

Source index for string operations

  • DI - Destination Index

Destination index for string operations.


For comparisons and conditional instructions that control flags.

  • OF - Overflow Flag

Indicates overflow of leftmost bit in a signed math operation

  • DF - Direction Flag

In string comparison operations, indicates left or right direction of movement. 0 for left-to-right and 1 is right-to-left

  • IF - Interrupt Flag

Flags if keyboard or other interrupts are to be ignored or processed. 0 for ignored or 1 for processed.

  • TF - Trap Flag

Allows the processor to work in single step mode for debug purposes.

  • SF - Sign Flag

Indicates the sign of a arithmetic result.

  • ZF - Zero Flag

Indicates whether a result of an arithmetic expression is zero.

  • AF - Auxiliary Carry Flag

Used for specialized arithmetic to carry from bit 3 to bit 4.

  • PF - Parity Flag

Indicates the total number of 1 (on) bits in the result of an arithmetic expression. If even then 0, odd then 1.

  • CF - Carry Flag

Contains the carry from the leftmost bit after an arithmetic operation. It also stores the contents of the last bit of a shift or rotate operation.


Segment Registers

These refer to specific areas defined for data, code and stack.

  • CS - Code Segment

Contains the starting address of the code segment.

  • DS - Data Segment

Contains the starting address of the data segment.

  • SS - Stack Segment

Contains the starting address of the stack segment.

There are additional segment registers: ES, FS, GS.

All memory locations within a segment are relative to the starting address of the segment. Since all segments will start at an address that is evenly divisible by 16 (hex 10) there is always a zero in the rightmost hex digit. This zero is not stored in segment registers.

Example of using registers

section .text
  global _start   ; must be declared for linker (gcc)

_start:           ; tell linker entry point
  mov edx,len     ; message length
  mov ecx,msg     ; message to write
  mov ebx,1       ; file descriptor (stout)
  mov eax,4       ; system call number (sys_write)
  int 0x80        ; call kernel
  mov edx,9       ; message length
  mov ecx,s2      ; message to write
  mov ebx,1       ; file descriptor (stout)
  mov eax,4       ; system call number (sys_write)
  int 0x80        ; call kernel
  mov eax,1       ; system call number (sys_exit)
  int 0x80        ; call 

section .data
msg db 'Displaying 9 stars',0xa  ; a message
len equ $ - msg ; length of message
s2 times 9 db '*'

XMM Registers

These are used to support floating point operations and Single Instruction Multiple Data (SMID) Instructions, used in graphics and DSP calculations. These are xmm0 to xmm15.

System Calls

API between the the user space and the system space. System calls are used by putting the number associated with that call into EAX and the arguments to that system call into other specific registers.

For example, this is the call to exit the program. sys_exit:

mov  eax,1 ; system call number moved into eax
int  0x80   ; call kernel

Here is an example for a syscall that has arguments, sys_write:

mov  edx,4    ; message length
mov  ecx,msg  ; some message that has been defined in the data section
mov  ebx,1    ; file descriptor (1 is for standard out)
mov  eax,4    ; system call number (sys_write)
int  0x80     ; call kernel

All syscalls are listed in /usr/include/asm/unistd.h which can be used to look up their numbers. The following is a table of commonly used system calls with their arguments:

2sys_forkstruct pt_regs
4sys_writeunsigned int`const charsize_t
5sys_openconst char*intint
6sys_closeunsigned int



mov <dest>, <src>
; for example

mov ax, 42 ; the integer 42 is put into the 16 bit ax register
mov cl, byte [bvar]  ; into the lower c register, a byte is copied from the address of bvar
mov qword [qvar], rdx ; a quad word from the address of qvar is copied into the 64 bit d register.
  • Copies data
  • Source and destination cannot both be in memory.
  • when copying a double word into a 64 bit register, the upper portion of the register is set to zeros.


The load effective address command lea is used to put the address of a variable into a register.

lea <reg64>, <mem>

; for example
lea rcx, byte [bvar] ; put the location of bvar into the rcx register


Conversion instructions change a variable from one size to another. Narrowing conversions require no specific instructions since the lower portions of registers are directly accessible.

mov rax, 50
mov byte [bval], al

Widening conversions vary depending on the data types involved.

widening - unsigned

Unsigned numbers only take positive values, therefore when dealing with unsigned numbers the upper part of the memory location or register must be set to zero.

mov al, 50
mov rbx, 0
mov bl, al

There is an instruction especially for performing this: movzx

movzx  <dest>, <src>

NB: This does not work when converting a quadword destination with a double word source operand. However, simply using mov in this situation will achieve the desired result since it will set the upper portion of the register or memory location to zeros.

widening - signed

When the data is signed, the upper portion must be set to ether zeros or ones depending on the sign of the number.

movsx <dest>, <src> ;general form, used always except when converting between double and quad word.
movsxd <dest>, <src> ; used then converting from double to quadword 

Specific registers also have their own signed widening conversion instructions:

cbwfrom byte in al to word in ax
cwdfrom word in ax to double word in dx:ax
cwdefrom word in ax to double word in eaxy
cdqfrom double word in eax to quadword in edx:eax
cdqefrom double word in eax to quadword in rax
cqofrom quadword in rax to double quadword in rdx:rax



add <dest>, <src> ; this results in: <dest> = <dest> + <src>

Operands must be of the same type. Memory to memory addition cannot use the above. One of the operands must be moved into a register.

; Num1 + Num2 (memory to memory) assuming that both are byte size.
mov  al, byte [Num1]
add  al, byte [Num2]
mov  byte [Ans], al

There is also a command for incriminating a value by 1.

inc <operand>
; for example:
inc rax
; when incriminating an operand in memory, specify the size:
inc byte [bNum]

When the numbers being added will result in a sum greater than the register size of the machine, it is necessary to add with a carry. In this situation the Least Significant Quadword is added with an add instruction, then the Most Significant Quadword is added with an adc (add with carry). The second addition must immediately follow the first so that the carry flag is not altered by anything else.

dquad1  ddq 0x1A000000000000000
dquad2  ddq 0x2C000000000000000
dqsum   ddq 0

; using the declarations above:

mov  rax, qword [dquad1]    ; the first 64 bits of dquad1
mov  rdx, qword [dquad1+8]  ; the last 64 bits of dquad1

add  rax, qword [dquad2]    ; add the first 64 bits of dquad2
adc  rdx, qword [dquad2+8]  ; add with carry the last 64 bits of dquad2

mov qword [dqSum], rax      ; result is put into dqSum
mov qword [dqSum+8], rdx


The subtraction commands are self-explanatory when taken with the above information on addition.

sub <dest>, <src>
dec <operand>


There are different commands for multiplying signed or unsigned integers. Both typically produce double sized results.

Unsigned Integer Multiplication

The general form is as follows:

mul  <src>

One of the operands must use an A register (al, ax, eax, rax) depending on size. The result is placed in the A (and possibly D) registers.

sizeregisteroperandoutput registers
bytealop8ah, al
wordaxop16dx, ax
double wordeaxop32edx, eax
quad wordraxop64rdx, rax

For example, if two double words are multiplied, the result will be a quad word in dx:ax

dNumA dd 42000
dNumB dd 73000
Ans   dq 0

; Using the above declarations
; dNumA * dNumB

mov  eax, word [wNumA]
mul  dword [wNumB]    ; result goes to edx:eax
mov  dword [Ans], ax
mov  dword [Ans+2], bx

Signed Integer multiplication

Signed integer multiplication is more flex able with its operands / sizes. The destination must always be a register.

imul <src>
imul <dest>, <src/imm>
imul <dest>, <src>, <imm>
  • When one operand is used then imul works like mul, but the operands are interpreted as signed.
  • If two operands are used then the source and destination values are multiplied and the destination value is overwritten. In this case, the source may be an immediate value, a register or a location in memory. A byte size destination operand is not supported.
  • When three operands are used, the last two are multiplied and the product is placed in the destination. The src must not be an immediate value. The imm must be an immediate value. The result is truncated to the size of the destination operand. Byte size destination is not supported.

Integer Division

Division requires that the dividend is larger in data type size than the divisor. It is critical that the dividend is set correctly for division to work. For word, double word and quad word divisions the dividend requires both the D (for upper) and A (for lower) registers. The divisor can be a memory location or a register, not an intermediate. The result will be placed in the A register, the remainder will go into ether the ah, dx, edx or rdx registers.

SizeDividend registersDivisorresult registerremainder register
Byteah, alop8alah
Worddx, axop16axdx
Double Wordedx, eaxop32eaxedx
Quad Wordrdx, raxop64raxrdx

Signed and unsigned integer division instructions work in the same way but have different instructions.

div <src>  ; unsigned
idiv <src> ; signed

; for example
mov  ax, word [NumA]
mov  dx, 0
mov  bx, 5
div  bx
mov  word [Ans], ax


;        0101        0101         0101          
;        0011        0011         0011         0011
;        ----        ----         ----         ----
; and => 0001  or => 0111  xor => 0110  not => 1100

; &
and <dest>, <src>  ; both cannot be memory
; ||
or <dest>, <src>   ; both cannot be memory
; ^
xor <dest>, <src>   ; both cannot be memory
; ¬
not <op>   ; op cannot be immediate


; logical shifts
shl <dest>, <imm> ; shift left, imm or cl must between 1 and 64
shl <dest>, cl

shr <dest>, <imm> ; shift right, imm or cl must be between 1 and 64
shr <dest>, cl

; arithmetic shift
sal <dest>, <imm> ; left shift. Zero fills the space made:  0010 -> 0100
sal <dest>, cl 

sar <dest>, <imm> ; right shift. Sign bit fills the space made:  1101 -> 1110
sar <dest>, cl


Rotations are essentially shifts that put the bits that would be shifted off the end onto the beginning, or vica verca.

rol <dest>, <imm> ; rotate left
rol <dest> cl

ror <dest>, <imm> ; rotate right
ror <dest> cl
; for example:

rol rcx, 32
ror qword [qNum], cl

the imm or the value in the cl register must be between 1 and 64. The destination operand cannot be immediate.

Control instructions

These include structures such as if statements and looping.


These are targets for jumps. These should start with a letter, and my include numbers, underscores, and should be followed by a colon. In YASM labels are case sensitive.

Unconditional control instructions.

jmp <label> ; moves execution in the program to the label.

Conditional Control Instructions

These are made up of two instructions that must happen one immediately after the other. First there has to be some sort of comparison, then the jump instruction. The comparison will compare two operands and store the result in the rFlag register.

cmp <op1>, <op2> ; operands must be of the same size.
; op1 must not be immediate, op2 may be immediate.

This should be followed by a jump instruction.

je <label>  ; if op1 == op2
jne <label> ; if op1 != op2
jl <label>  ; signed, if op1 < op2
jle <label> ; signed, if op1 <= op2
jg <label>  ; signed, if op1 > op2
jge <label> ; signed, if op1 >= op2
jb <label>  ; unsigned, if op1 < op2
jbe <label> ; unsigned, if op1 <= op2
ja <label>  ; unsigned, if op1 > op2
jae <label> ; unsigned, if op1 >= op2

For example, this is a possible implementation for an if else statement:

; using the following declerations:

  TRUE    equ   1
  FALSE   equ   0
  x       dd    0
  y       dd    0
  ans     dd    0 
  errFlag db    FALSE

; -------

  cmp    dword [x], 0    ; compare the contents of x to 0
  je     doElse          ; if eaual go to location deElse 
  mov    eax, dword [x]  ; ... the "not equal branch". Put x in eax
  cdq                    ; change dword into qword (prep for division)
  idiv   dword [y]       
  mov    dword [ans] eax
  mov    byte [errFlag]
  jmp    skpElse
  mov    dword [ans], 0
  mov    byte [errflg], TRUE  

Notes for the above example:

  1. since using signed division idiv, conversion was required: cdq.
  2. ebx was overwritten.

Conditional jumps can be adjacent. for example:

   cmp dword [x], 100
   je  equalsJump
   jl  lessThanJump
   jg  greaterThanJump

Jump Range

For the above short jumps the target label must be no more than 128 bytes from the jump call. However, this limit does not apply for the unconditional jump jmp.


Iteration commands can be used to make simple loops. For example, the following codeblock shows a loop for summing odd integers within a range:

  lpCnt  dq  15
  sum    dq  0

; using the above declerations:
  mov rcx, qword [1pCnt]  ; loop Counter
  mov rax, 1              ; odd integer counter
  add qword [sum], rax    ; sum current odd interger
  add rax, 2              ; set next odd integer
  dec rcx                 ; decrement loop cionter
  cmp rcx, 0              ; decrement loop counter
  jne sumLoop             


There is a loop instruction which simplifies iteration. It will automatically decriment the rcx register and perform a comparison to 0, jumping when rcx != 0.

; summing n odd numbers

  mov rcx qword [naxN]   ; loop counter
  mov rax, 1             ; pdd int counter
  add qword [sum], rax   ; sum current odd int.
  add rax, 2             ; next odd int
  loop sumLoop 

Example program using intructions

section .data
  SUCCESS      equ  0
  SYS_exit     equ  60
  n            dd   10
  sumOfSquares dq   0 
section .text
global start
  mov         rbx, 1
  mov         ecx, dword [n]
  mov         rax, rbx
  mul         rax
  add         qword [sumOfSquares], rax
  inc         rbx
  loop        sumLoop
  mov         rax, SYS_exit
  mov         rdi, SUCCESS

Calling C libraries

C librries can be called from assembly provided they are compiled together. For example:

extern printf

section .data
  msg: db "Hello World", 0; Zero is used as a null termainator
  fmt: db "%s", 10, 0; printf formatting followed by newline and null terminator

section .text
  global main

  push rbp ; push stack
; Set up params for call to printf
  mov rdi, fmt
  mov rsi, msg
  mov rax, 0
  call printf

  pop rbp ; pop stack
  mov rax, 0 ; exit code 0
  ret ; return

To compile and run the above using NASM and GCC:

$ nasm calling_c.asm -f elf64 -o calling_c.o

$ gcc -g -no-pie -o calling_c calling_c.o

$ ./calling_c 

Related Topics

Addressing data in memory

The process through which execution is controlled is called the fetch-decode-execute cycle. The instruction is fetched from memory. The processor can access one or more bytes of memory at a given time. The processor stores data in reverse-byte sequence.

For example, for hex number 0725H:

In register: 
In memory: 

Memory Hierarchy

Memory UnitExample SizeTypical Speed
Processor Registers16 to 64 bit registers~ 1 nanosecond
Cache Memory4 - 8+ Megabytes (L1 and L2)~ 5 to 60 nanoseconds
Primary Storage (RAM)2 - 32 Gigabytes~ 100 to 150 nanoseconds
Secondary storage (HDD)500 Gigabytes to 4+ Terabytes~ 3-15 milliseconds

Integer representation

size namesizeunsigned rangesigned range
byte2^80 - 255-128 - 127
word2^160 - 65535-32,768 - 32767
double word2^320 - 429497294-2147483648 2147483647
quadword2^640 - 2^64 -1-(2^63) - 2^63 -1
double quadword2^1280 - 2^128 -1-(2^127) - 2^127 -1

Two’s Complement

Signed numbers are often represented in twos complement form. A negative representation of a positive number can be made by flipping the bits and then adding 1. For example:

step 111110110
step 211110111

Handy Links

Link to tutorial Another good tutorial